Chapter 3

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Bethany's P.O.V-

Me and Tasia got an early start on practice the next morning. My Dad dropped us off at the beach that Daniel had taken me to the day before. 

Tasia:"I need to get down with my barrel surfing." Barrel surfing is pretty much when your surfing inside a wave's tube. Tasia was capable of barrel surfing, but what she needed practice with was staying in. She didn't have much balance in the tube after about 5 seconds, she would wipe out. The beach not only had nice waves, but it had a lot of caves too. Me and Tasia walked along the beach to find some more spots. As I had caught a big wave, I wiped out. I was okay, but my board wasn't. I only found half of it. As I walked up on shore, I held the piece up to Tasia.

Tasia:"Well that's enough practicing for now then. Hey, but you wanna go explore some of the caves?" I was up for some adventure. The water in most of the caverns was pretty shallow. While walking through one of the caves, I heard a voice behind us. It was Daniel.

Daniel:"So you guys having fun?" I turned around.

Me:"Daniel!" I ran over and gave him a hug."Tasia, this is Daniel. I met him yesterday. My dad has a friend who I also met, and this is his son. 


Daniel:"Hey." Daniel joined us in walking through the caves. Even though the water was shallow, there were teenie tiny waves. It felt funny having them brush up against my legs. Eventually, we grew tired of walking through the caves. Therefore, we went to one of the small diners in town. It was run by a hawaiian man named Kaholo. He was always nice to us. He never minded us coming in. He didn't know Daniel though. Kaholo was cleaning off the counters.

Kaholo:"Tasia! Bethany! Aloha! How are you? And who's this?"

Me:"Aloha Kaholo! We're doing pretty good. And this is Daniel. I met him yesterday. Tasia just met him today. "

Kaholo:"Aloha Daniel. Your lucky to be with these girls. They'll keep you out of trouble." 

Tasia:"So Kaholo, do you need any help?" 

Kaholo:"Well Tasia,  I wouldn't mind some help. Can you guys clear off the tables for me?"


Kaholo:"Mahalo." We loved stopping by Kaholo's diner. It was small, but it was also one of the most popular diners in town. His customers loved Kaholo for his generosity and friendliness. Kaholo also gave great advice. Whenever somebody was upset, Kaholo knew how to help. He was there for anybody. When we finished with the tables, we said our goodbyes to Kaholo.

Kaholo:"Malama pono you three." And we left. If you don't know what malama pono means, it means: Take care, be right. Daniel drove me and Tasia home. Tasia's house was first. When Daniel dropped me off that day, I asked him.

Me:"Oh uh Daniel?"


Me:"Well uh, do you mind, ya know, maybe showing me some new surf tricks?"

Daniel:"Yeah sure! But, after we get you a new board." I smiled.

Me:"Alright. Bye."

Daniel:"Bye." And I walked into my house. I told my parents about what happened to my board. They weren't mad. My dad actually made the best of the situation by saying that it was old anyway. As I laid in my bed, I got out my diary. Yes, I was fifteen with a diary. I used it not just for the fun of writing down my "deepest darkest secrets." I used it to keep track of important events that I wanted to remember, my thoughts, and other stuff. I hadn't looked or written in my diary in a while. I decided to look through it. One entry that caught my eye was one about when I was just starting to surf. When I was 12 years old, almost 13. It read:

Dear Diary, today is another day that my mom and dad are showing me how to surf. I've been watching competitions on t.v. and I've been practicing a lot too. I'm now able to stand up on the board. I have balance for like, 2 seconds but I'm still learning. Sometimes when I get frustrated, I go to Kaholo. One time, he told me never to give up. That dreams begin small, but if you practice, pursue and never give up on those dreams, they can become something beautiful. Someday, I want to surf just like my parents.

If it wasn't for Kaholo, I might have given up a long time ago. 

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