Chapter 7

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When Bethany woke up, she took a shower and got ready for Tasia, Joe, and Daniel to show up at her house to pick her up. Her diary was still on her bed. For some odd reason, she ripped the page about Daniel out of the diary, folded it up, and put it in the pocket of her shorts. Tasia and Joe had keys to Bethany's house because her parents trusted the two tremendously. They also called Bethany's parents mom and dad. Bethany was messing around on her phone when she heard Tasia walk in. 

Tasia:"Hi Mom. Hi Dad. Bethany's in her room right?"

Bethany'sParents:"Hey Tasia." Tasia yelled for Bethany.

Tasia:"Bethany! Get your ass out here we're goin!" Bethany's parents were laughing. She said goodbye to her mom and dad, and walked out of the house. When she got in the truck, of course, Tasia and Joe had made it so she sat next to Daniel. She could tell by the looks on their faces. When they arrived at the jungle that leads to the beach, the boys started walking ahead of them. Of course Bethany and Tasia, being the way that they were, tried to listen to the conversation. They couldn't figure out anything that the boys were saying. They kept listening anyway. At one point Daniel and Joe looked back and saw the girls trying to get in on the information. So they started whispering in Hawaiian which made it near impossible to know anything they were talking about. Yeah they knew Hawaiian but the two boys were whispering and were far ahead of Tasia and Bethany. So the girls went to minding their own business. When they finally arrived at the beach, the girls started walking towards the cave. Joe and Daniel went the opposite direction. While Bethany and Tasia were walking, Tasia noticed the paper in Bethany's right pocket.

Tasia:"What's that?" Bethany saw that the paper was sticking out.

Bethany:"Oh a paper." 

Tasia:"I can see that." She grabbed it, unfolded it, and started reading it. When she finished, she looked up at Bethany and shouted: Awwwwwwww!!!!!!! Loud enough to where the boys turned around and looked at them. 

Tasia:"Oh my god Bethany this is so cute!" And then in a quick voice that made Bethany have to process what Tasia had said, Tasia asked: Would you be mad if I showed him?! And she ran off toward them with the paper. Bethany panicked and ran toward the jungle to avoid humiliation. She hid in a bush on the edge and watched as Tasia gave the paper to Daniel. Daniel was surprised to see all the things that Bethany had written about him. Joe was also reading the paper. He was just as shocked as Daniel.

Joe:"You two kissed?" Daniel's face burned with embarrassment.


Joe:"Well, she's definitely got the hots for you I can tell you that." Bethany had listened and could vaguely make out very few of the words. She bolted down a jungle path that she knew very well. The one that led to the very waterfall where she and Daniel had kissed. At that point she didn't care if her clothes got wet when running through the waterfall and into the cave. She was so humiliated. She wasn't mad at Tasia, she was just utterly embarrassed. She sat in the cave. Tasia was texting Bethany asking where she was and that she was sorry. Bethany didn't answer.

Daniel:"Wait, I think I might know where she is, but I'll go. You guys stay just in case she comes back." And so Joe and Tasia waited to see if Bethany returned. Daniel's guess was right. His first thought was the waterfall. When he reached it, Bethany could already hear somebody coming. When she looked up, she saw that it was him. She turned away. Daniel walked through the fall and crouched down behind her. He held the page in his hand, still unfolded. At first he didn't know what to say. He was worried that she would get even more upset.

Daniel:"Hey are you, uh, ok?" She stayed with her back to him. 

Bethany:"You read it didn't you?" He sighed and sat down in front of her. He nudged her chin up so that she was facing him. Her face turned bright red. He smiled. 

Daniel:"Why did you run and hide?" Her heart pounded.

Bethany:"Because it's embarrassing. And I didn't wanna know what you'd thought of me after you read it. " 

Daniel:"Why would I think any different of you?" 

Bethany:"I practically called you hot and said ya know, all that stuff about you."

Daniel:"Trust me, if your a guy and you get called hot and a good kisser, that's a good thing. That's what makes guys more attracted to the girl that said it." Bethany wondered for a moment, more attracted? Was he just saying it to give the example? Or did he mean something by it?

Daniel:"And that kiss wasn't just a kiss to answer your question. It meant a lot more than you might have thought it did." He had said it in the voice that Bethany adored the most. The one that turned her on. She was blushing more than she had ever blushed before. Then, Daniel kissed her cheek.

Daniel:"Just come back when your ready." And he walked towards the beach. Bethany smiled, and giggled. He didn't say anything, but Daniel heard her laughing. 

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