Chapter 6

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Bethany's P.O.V.- 

So yeah kissing Daniel was......great. Okay, it was amazing. The fact that I was able to kiss him was just too amazing for words. I mean c'mon now, he's hot, fun, healthy and overall just perfect. (he was a good kisser too) Alright, alright. I admit, I was obsessing a bit but I had a reason to. Now, was I gonna tell my parents? I was kinda still working on that. I didn't care if they knew or not, I just didn't want them to get protective. However, I was gonna tell them when they got to know Daniel a little bit more. Well when they actually met him.....yeah I didn't really have that part secured. When he had asked me about the competition, I certainly had my doubts. The biggest thing that kept me from competing was the pressure. I didn't like the pressure that came with competitions. And the fact that the crowd is just waiting for you to wipeout. I just didn't feel comfortable with the situation. But I told Daniel I'd think about it. And I was keeping my word. For some reason, Daniel made me feel very calm. I don't know why, but I just loved being around him. He never freaked out, he was just extremely calm about everything. It took me a little bit to notice that I blushed a lot around him. Out of nowhere my face would burn. I think that one of the reasons was because he had a seductive voice. He was never trying to be seductive (I don't think,) but his voice was so enticing that I couldn't help but blush. We'd be talking about almost anything and bam. My cheeks flushed. It also happened if he was close to me. For example, if he was right next to me, my face got red. One time, I was sitting next to him and as he put his hand down it landed on mine. He pulled it away, I think, to avoid embarrassment but I felt the burning sensation in my cheeks. There is no doubt in my mind that he noticed. He probably just never pointed it out. Now, Daniel may have not pointed out that he saw the rosiness, but Tasia and Joe would make it clear. For instance, one night, me, Daniel, Joe, and Tasia were all hanging out in my little backyard beach. We were sitting around a fire. Daniel had complimented me on my surfing and looked at me with a cute smile. Right away I felt my cheeks redden. I turned to Tasia, then to Joe. When Daniel wasn't looking, Tasia made a little heart while Joe made kissy faces. I signaled them to stop because it only made the burning in my face turn to flaming. At least they did it when Daniel couldn't see. But it was still embarrassing. Although I made it clear that I was head over heels, he also did some things that showed interest. Like sometimes I would catch him staring at me and smiling. (Which by the way also made me blush.)


Daniel:"Nothing, nothing." He also said some things that if I processed exactly what he said, I could tell what he meant. I loved the conversations I had with him. He always knew what to say, when to say it, and how to say it. (With his alluring voice that I was extremely attracted to.) You would think a boy his age would try to be more sexual and always attempt to pull off sexual things. Daniel never did. That was another thing that pulled me towards him.

Me:"You're really sweet for your age. Usually guys that are our age would say a lot of erotic things. And you don't. I mean, I love that about you and the fact that you don't say those types of things. But I wanted to know why." 

Daniel:"Well, thank you first of all. You are very sweet yourself. And I don't say that stuff only because it's just disrespectful towards a girl. Like if when I met you and out of nowhere I asked if you wanted have sex with me would you actually be attracted to me?" We were laughing. In my mind, when he called me sweet I was dying inside. And after reading how much I was obsessing over him, you're probably thinking that yes, I would have had sex with him and would have still been attracted to him. I wouldn't, however, that's because I didn't know him that well. Now, I know him, and I know about him, so yeah at this time if he asked, then I probably would have said yes. I'm a little complicated I know. But from reading, you shouldn't be surprised. I was hanging out with Tasia, Joe, and Daniel again the next morning. We were just gonna walk along the beach, no surfing. I sat on my bed that night and went back to my diary. This is what I wrote:

So today, I kissed Daniel. I have come to realize that he is a very talented kisser. I'm not really sure if this means we're together, or if it was just a kiss. I think it was just a kiss, but I wish that it did mean more. Maybe it did in his mind. I don't know. But I'm completely in love with him now. He's just so cute, and sweet, and ya know, extremely attractive..............even though we kissed, I don't think that he likes me that way at all. But all I know is that I love him.  And then, I fell asleep. 

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