Chapter 12

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Bethany's P.O.V

I opened my eyes to see Daniel on his computer. I laid on the bed and took out my phone. It was about 9:00 in the morning. I wasn' t planning on telling him I was awake but of course I sneezed. He looked back at me and smiled.

Daniel:"Well look who's awake."

Me:*laughs*"Good morning." I stretched. I walked over and peeked over his shoulder. We kissed. He was looking up details about the contest. He got up and put his hands around my waist.

Daniel:"Well, you only have about two weeks left to train so you better get started."

Me:*giggles*"Right now?"

Daniel:"Haha, yes right now." We kissed twice."C'mon." He led me outside. "You have some serious training to do. And just so you know, I myself wouldn't make you practice this early but Tasia told me to make you train as early as possible when we were leaving the hospital." It didn't surprise me that Tasia told Daniel to do it. I actually thought it was kinda funny.

Daniel:"So what made you want to try the competition?" I didn't really have much of an answer. I just decided I wanted to.

Me:"I don't know. I just, thought it would be fun." We couldn't surf as long as planned because after about 15 minutes it started to rain. It then proceeded to pour. We ran inside to dry off. Daniel's dad was laughing.

Daniel'sDad:"Haha. So the rain is gonna stop you two? Get back out there! A little bit of rain isn't gonna hurt." Me and Daniel looked at eachother, and went back outside. Surfing in the rain was a lot more fun then I had anticipated. When we were finished, I knew a lot more than before. Daniel was a very good teacher. We walked along the beach in the pouring rain, holding hands. All of a sudden, Daniel threw me over his shoulder and ran to the water. He tossed me in. When I came up above the water, he was laughing. After almost half an hour of splashing like little kids we decided to sit on shore and just watch the waves. His arm was around my shoulder. I thought about the competition, and was happy that I made the decision to do it. Even if it meant practicing early in the morning, getting wiped out, and doing a move over and over again until I got it right.

2 Weeks Later-The Competition.

Bethany was ready. She had trained for the past month or two, and was ready to take on the challenge. She and Daniel waited for Tasia to arrive.

Tasia:"Hey guys! I brought someone!" With Tasia was Joe. They hadn't seen him since the hospital.

Bethany:"Joe!" They gave him a hug.

Joe:"So you ready?"

Bethany:"As I'll ever be!" The announcer grabbed his megaphone.

Announcer:"Alright! Imma introduce our competitors! Al Waterman. Jessica Lei. Timothy Kapahu. Bethany Whitehurst. Kohlei Kihike. Lia Makaiau. And Alyssa Waiholua. Alright surfers step up to the shore. Bethany gave her friends a hug, and joined the rest of the surfers at the edge of the water. She was slightly nervous, but prepared. She waited for the bullhorn to sound. And then, she heard it. All the surfers jumped into the water and paddled out to sea. Lia was the first to wipe out. It was minor, but she did slightly over-react. By the end of the second round, Bethany was placed in 3rd. But a horrible wipeout in the middle of round 3 pushed her all the way back to 7th place. She also almost twisted her ankle. She wasn't sure if she could do it, with a hurt ankle and one round left. But she kept going and ignored the pain. When all the surfers bolted towards the first wave of round 4, something told Bethany to wait. She stopped dead in her tracks and watched.

Tasia:"What is she doing?!" Daniel smirked. He knew exactly what she was doing. As Bethany watched the other surfers struggle with the first wave, a different wave started to form. She started paddling towards it. It was far, far out. But she continued. It got bigger and bigger. Until it finally reached a height of at least 70 feet. It was the biggest wave that had ever been surfed in that competition. Bethany went for it. The top of the wave crashed into the water. Forming a tube. Nobody saw Bethany. Everyone feared for the worst. Until finally, somebody called out:There she is! Everyone cheered as they watched Bethany surf the tube of the 70 foot wave.

Reporter:"We are live at the Kauai surfing competitions and Bethany Whitehurst is currently surfing the highest wave ever recorded in the history of this competition! This is an exciting moment in Kauai's history!" Bethany didn't wipeout. At the end of the round, Bethany had placed 1st in the competition. Everybody cheered as the announcer handed her the trophy. Daniel, Tasia, Joe, and her parents raced towards her. Her parents were in tears. She gave Daniel a kiss, and Joe and Tasia a hug. And from then on, Bethany surfed competitions around the world. Of course joined by her friends and family. And it was all because she met him.

Epilouge- Daniel's P.O.V

Okay, so that was amazing. And your probably wondering if anything went on in the midst of all this stardom and triumph. And in place to tell you, yes, a lot of things started happening. Such as with Bethany's parents. Well, they had a baby boy. He was named Wyatt. That kid was my best friend. And Joe and Tasia actually started dating! I mean c'mon, you had to have seen that one coming. They're still going strong. And what ever happened to me and Bethany? Well, a couple years later, I got the bright idea to propose to her. About two months after her 21st birthday. Kinda early, but it worked out just fine.

Bethany:"Daniel, would you hurry up and just finish telling them everything? We can't be late to Wyatt's birthday party!" Alright! Alright! I'm coming. "And if I'm in a good mood tonight then there might be something extra when we get back home." Alright well the look on her face is telling me that I probably want that something extra...

Thank you guys for reading! I'm in the process of another book too!

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