Chapter 11

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I woke up at about 2 o clock in the morning to my phone ringing. It was Tasia. I had no idea why she was calling me this early or why she was even up. But I answered.

Tasia:"Bethany?" She sounded like she was in a hurry.

Me:"What? Why are you calling me so early?" I was slurring my words.

Tasia:"I need you to get to the hospital now! Something's wrong with Joe!" That was enough to fully wake me up.

Me:"Why? What happened?"

Tasia:"I don't really know but we'll find out. And why are you whispering, your parents won't care if I called you. Especially if I need you."

Me:"Tasia I'm not at my house! I'll meet you at the hospital." I hung up. Of course, I ended up waking Daniel.

Daniel:"What are you doing awake?"

Me:"Tasia needs us at the hospital! Something happened to Joe!" We both got up and got ready to meet with Tasia. I was extremely worried about Joe. As much as I didn't want it be serious, by the sound of Tasia's voice, I knew that it was. Surprisingly, as Daniel and I walked out of his room, his dad was awake on the couch. Of course, his dad didn't know I was here so he looked a little confused.

Daniel'sDad:"Where are you two going so early?"

Daniel:"A friend is in the hospital. We won't be long. And yeah she's coming back too." His dad laughed.

Daniel'sDad:"I know that Daniel."*sighs*"Alright go but come back soon." And we left. My heart pounded as I thought of all the things that could've happened to Joe. I was terrified. When we arrived at the hospital, I called Tasia asking where she was at. She told me that she was driving behind the ambulance that carried Joe. Soon enough, we saw both Tasia and the ambulance pull into the parking lot. Tasia hopped out of her car and rushed over to us.

Me:"Tasia what happened?!"

Tasia:"I don't know. We were surfing and out of nowhere I heard him scream. He was talking about his leg but I couldn't see anything in the dark." We followed the doctors as they brought the gurney inside and to a room where Joe could be examined. We weren't allowed in the room at first. After he was checked they still had to keep him for a few tests. A doctor came to speak to us.

Doctor:"Well your friend was stung by a Portuguese Man O' War. At least that's what we're guessing by the marks left on his legs. The sting and venom made him go into shock. He'll survive but he'll be in excruciating pain. That sting is pretty bad. We have to keep him here until we are sure that he's treated and cured." At least he was going to live. I couldn't imagine the agony he was in. We left after about an hour. On the way to Daniel's truck, Tasia pulled me aside quickly.

Tasia:"Wait, why aren't you sleeping at your house?" It took her a minute. "Ohhhhhh....." She smiled at me as I got in the truck. I closed my eyes as I rode back to the house with Daniel. I felt the truck park, but didn't think to open my eyes. I heard my door open, and Daniel picked me up. He carried me inside the house and to his room. He laid me down on the bed, laid down himself, and kissed my forehead. His arm was around my waist. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep once again.

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