Prologue and Note

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I wanted to keep these stories to myself at first. I posted this a while back, but I got insecure about them and unpublished them. I was looking for my book to be perfect but I see now that's an impossible goal and that I should just publish them as imperfectly as they are and just learn and grow from there.

 I was also looking for editors and people to critique my book to make it better but I don't want any of that now. I simply want to write and publish my story and grow in my writing that way. If you see a mistake that I didn't catch while editing, that's ok. I won't be unpublishing this story for the fear of it being unperfect again. Just enjoy. Thank you.

This was not the werewolf book I wanted to publish yet, but since the other one is under construction this will have to do for now. *Ps. I started writing this when I was younger and I'm continuing where I left off and made some edits in order to finish the story so don't chastise it too harshly*

Comment and enjoy!



Krystal sat down on her bed enjoying a book that she had probably read three times over. It was called the Giver. She had just finished reading the last page but didn't put the book down, enjoying the feeling that it had given her. She was lost in thought, in her own alternate reality, one which she felt resembled her own. A world without color. One without truth. One without a life of her own.

She found it incredibly heartbreaking that Jonas had never seen colors or even experienced snow. And just like him, she was living in a colorless world, desperate for color-- a change of events, a taste of another reality. She wanted things to change. Her desire for this could probably amass the entire werewolf territory if it could.

It was night, and the moon shone brightly through the window. She took a deep breath in, enjoying the scenery for as long as it lasted. She didn't know how long it was before she would give up on herself. It was only a matter of time. As the moon dazzled through her window, she suddenly seemed to forget all my problems in that moment. It was like a temporary trance. Blue light glistened over her eyes and she seemed to have a look of confusion etched on her face. It was as if the moon was trying to tell her something...

She quickly looked back down at her book and closed it, ignoring the feeling. Good feelings such as these don't come often, she thought.

She sat in silence and simply relished the feeling of peace. Krystal had finally gotten a mate. One that she's been waiting for since the incident happened when she was younger. She smiled to herself as a tear rolled down her cheek. Her peace would be short-lived and she knew that. Her mate wasn't what she expected at all.

In fact, she had a feeling that something was going to happen. The hair on the back of her neck began to raise up.

She took a deep breath in enjoying the scenery for as long as it lasted. Good feelings such as these don't come often, so Krystal relished in this feeling. But something still wasn't right. A feeling settled in her stomach and she began to feel uneasy. It was like a warning that something bad was going to happen.

Suddenly, the door creaked open.

She set down the book down and paused.

She snapped her head towards the door and stood on her feet. She wasn't going to allow just anyone to ruin her night. She would see who was there and figure out what to do next.

The door creaked open wider and Krystal could make out the figure that was coming through the door.

It was Axel.

It was her mate.

Krystal was ecstatic at first, feeling that this would be her chance to change his mind and make him accept her for who she was, but those feelings were soon dismissed as she saw something bright shining in his hands. It was silver knife. And by the powerful foul smell of it, could already tell that it was dipped and covered in wolfsbane. A deadly poison.

Fear soon struck her heart, as she realized that it was intended for her. But he couldn't... he wouldn't... would he? She repeated these thoughts in her head trying to rationalize what he was attempting to do.

But why... she told him the truth after all. Why wouldn't he believe her?

To die by the hands of one's mate is horrible to say the least. Horrible is not even a good enough word for it. In fact, she doesn't believe it's ever been done before.

This is not the way Krystal envisioned dying. She wanted to grow old with her mate, have maybe one or two children and be happy with him until her last days. She would be lying in bed as her mate held her hand and they would look into each other's eyes with true love and the same passion for each other that they had when they had first met. Then, she would go.

This seemed like a fantasy. One that she always kept in the back of her mind and resembled most of the books that she had read. Fiction.

As he walked into the room, she could smell the alcohol in his breath. It takes a lot of alcohol to get a werewolf drunk.

She started to take interest in the way he was walking. It was incredibly weird. It was as though he couldn't keep his own weight up.

He must have done this on purpose. But to get away from what?

She stole a glance at the window as a tear slid down her face. The moon now being her only source of comfort and whispered,

"Moon goddess, please save m-"

She couldn't get the last word to successfully be brought out of her mouth as her hair was tugged from behind.



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