Chapter 8

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"So what are your plans after graduation? Are you planning to propose right away to her?"

It was his Dad asking him. Ethan looked at her and smiled.

"If I would propose to Raffy, I want it to be a big surprise."

They were having lunch with their families. Paul and Ava made it a habit since they became a couple for them to meet every weekend for lunch. At the same time, they were getting married in a few months. It was favorable for the two of them since it allowed Raffy's dad to see how much she loved Ethan and him to her.

Ethan at that point she knew was thinking of marriage. It's not that they would rush into marriage before graduation but he was starting to save up money for the two of them. He had grand plans for the wedding, the house, the honeymoon, the kids, and everything that they can do as a family after they get married. She was excited too in spending life with him for she knew he would be doing it shortly after grad, she hinted.

Things between her and her father got better. He wasn't the same old 'dictator' she considered. Rather, he allowed her to make her own choices. There were times that he tended to force her into doing something but he learned to reconsider.

He became famous being a varsity player which brought him numerous endorsements. He saved what he earned and when he had enough to start up, he started a resto-bar business on their third year. He was scrambling at first, trying to apply their management course into action until he was able to master the ins and outs of his business. He started saving for the plans he had in mind. She saw how focused and determined he was in making it happen. He reduced his expenses and slowly, he saw his investment coming back in to his bank account. A year after he started, he paid off what he owed the bank. Endorsements were still coming in which helped him manage living his lifestyle despite payments.

But the success didn't mean sacrifices. After they graduated, he needed to spend more time for his business. He was always hands on, trained his people personally, mingled with his customers, and checked his finances regularly. She understood that. In fact, he had foreseen it and even before it unfolded, they already talked about it. He knew he would miss some dates that they regularly do and that a lot of his time would go to his business but he explained that he would be doing it for them.

They managed to squeeze in some hours together by having short dinner dates on his office or going out for some last full show movie hours. They made it a point to talk daily even if it would only last for a few minutes since he was too tired from work to stay longer.

As his business flourished, she supported him all the way. She was always there when she needed him and never missed any important date that they celebrate together. She understood when he couldn't make it.

It went on and on until he became too relaxed that Raffy would ALWAYS understand. He started missing occasions, celebrations, dinner dates, movie dates, calling her. She talked to him about it and he would apologize, spend some time with her and the cycle went on and on.

The next thing they knew, she was already leaving for the US.


"We'd like to invite all ladies in front please," the host said. "Just form a line in here."

"I'd get that rose, Love," Raffy smiled at Ethan as she stood up to join those ladies. He extended his hand to her and guided her while walking.

"You want to marry me?"

"Was that a proposal?" she laughed.

"No. Not yet," he answered. "I'm still trying to earn some more money for us. I want to make it very memorable for you once that day comes."

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