Chapter 17

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She took a deep breath. She had been thinking about it for the past days and decided to do what was right.

"When I left you for the US, it was hard for me. I spent nights crying because I wanted you back. I was too emotional, I was often tired, I neglected myself," she started. "Until Seff noticed that I was losing weight. I was pale and I learned how to go out, drink, party. Seff went out with me so he'll know I'm safe. Then he brought me to the doctor one time."

"Did you get sick?"

"Seff thought I was but no. I was pregnant," she said.

"I know that."

"I was carrying your child. I didn't know I had something inside me before I left."

Ethan stopped walking and stared at her. He at one point had an idea that Cali is his but hearing from Raffy confirming it, it still made a different impact. It was unexplainable - happy that Cali is his, scared that he wouldn't be accepted by his son, apprehensive, nervous, numb, excited. All the emotions were running through him and he didn't know which one to process first.

"He's yours, Ethan."

He wanted to question her but knew there was no point of doing that. He wanted to do a lot of things to make it up to them and to catch up but he didn't know what he needs to do.

"Cali wasn't well when he was born. He needed to undergo heart resection just to make sure he will survive. Seff was there to support us, emotional, spiritual, physical, financial. I can't repay him for what he did for us."

Instead of answering, Ethan ran to catch Cali. When he got to him, he immediately carried and embraced him tight.

"I'm sorry, Cali," he told him and kissed his son on the forehead. His embrace was too tight as if he could fill in the gaps. "I promise you I'm here now. I'm not leaving you anymore."

Raffy was overwhelmed with what she saw. It was painful yet sweet that finally, she said what she kept for five years. Though regretting a father's absence, she saw in Ethan that he would be working overtime to catch up with them.

She approached them and smiled at him. Ethan embraced her tight and they both knew, it's the start of them being as one family.


They went back home as one. Ethan was satisfied and happy, having Raffy again and knowing that he has a family to be with. Instead of sending them back home, they headed to a place she doesn't know.

"Where are we heading?"

"Surprise," Ethan smiled at her.

"I know where we're going," Cali added and laughed with his Dad. The two were inseparable since Ethan found out about Cali. He was just beside him, he has given what he needed even before Cali asked.

"You two, stop making fun of me. Where are we going?"

"Can I tell him where we're going Tatay?"

"No. It should be our little surprise for Nanay," Ethan told him. "Go back to your seat, baby. Do you want to drop by anywhere to buy food?"

"Yeah... I want some pizza with lots of cheese on it," he answered.

"Triple cheese pizza, how does that sound?"

"You're making him go crazy," Raffy laughed.

After dropping by a pizza parlor, he drove to where they were heading to. He stopped in front of a big gate.

"Where are we?"

"This is Cali and I's surprise," he answered. "Baby, you can put some cover on Mommy's eyes?"

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