Chapter 25 - Her Thoughts

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I have been nervous and excited since they finished my make up. I stood up and three people helped me wear my gown.

I left the house riding on an old Beetle car remodeled for such occasions. It was a warm day and my hands were cold. My mom held my hand and smiled at me. Maybe this is what Ava was feeling too when she got married. She took a separate car and I can't talk to her right now. When we got to the church, Cali and Gavin went out and got inside the car. He himself look wonderful wearing his little tuxedo and his bow tie like a mini version of his dad. He just wore black pants while Ethan wore white. Gavin wore a suit similar to Cali's. I don't know what's with the Yu genes that they become so prominent when mated.

"Mom, Saul is so big but I love him. I want it to be on my room please," he begged me.

I smiled. "Sure thing."

"You look good, Mommy Raffy," Gavin told me.

"Thank you Gavin. You sure do look handsome yourself," I told my nephew. "Would you mind keeping Cali company for a while during the ceremony?"

"Sure," Gavin answered.

"I was about to tell you that myself. You look beautiful Nanay. I am sure Tatay would drop his jaw once he sees you."

"You think so?" I laughed at his comment.

"Of course! He always looked like the teenager across our home in the US who was always drooling in love with his punky girlfriend," he answered which made us laugh.

"I do not look punky though, do I?"

"No. Far from punky. You look like a queen wearing your wedding dress. It sure looks good on you," he answered.

We were still talking when Monique, our wedding coordinator knocked.

"Hi kids, the ceremony is about to start. I need you handsome men to go to your respective places. Raffy, I need you to compose yourself and bring sunshine inside the church," she smiled.

I kissed the two boys goodbye.


I got out of the car when it was the sponsors who were already walking on the aisle. Ava helped me with the trail of the dress and another two ladies helped me walk without tripping.

Ava kissed my cheeks before she went inside herself. I was so nervous that I stopped feeling my heart beating. My dad and mom stood beside me and patted my hand. Dad has always been composed while my mom was teary eyed.

"I love you both," I told them. "Thank you for giving me life."

Shortly, my mom and dad went inside. They would be going in first and would wait for me in the middle of the aisle before I join them. Akira wanted me to have the chance of walking solo before my parents hand me over to my husband.

Monique smiled at me. I was the only one left outside with her.

"Ready to have your final walk as Raffy Castillo?"

I smiled. "I'm ready to be Mrs. Ethan Yu."

She handed me my bouquet of white tulips.

"And we are all ready for you too," she said and made a knock. The marshalls behind the door opened it wide.


It was the cross I saw first as soon as the door opened for me. There were a lot of people inside, a lot of them close to our hearts and played a role on our lives.

Flowers were neatly arranged in groups and everyone was wearing white, our plain motiff since we wanted it to show purity and cleanliness.

I heard the violin playing the song that we chose.

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