Finals Part 1

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               A couple of days later we got some sad news. My uncle Louis's mum had died. She had Leukemia and God wanted her. My dad hasn't stopped crying since he found out and my mum has been consoling him ever since. My uncle is in pretty bad shape too. I've been trying to console Hayden, but he just wants to be strong for his dad. I can't blame him. Johanna was a great lady and I never got to know her, but she raised a great person in my uncle. Tonight is the final for X Factor and my uncle is going to perform his new song. We are all going to see him perform and support him. Plus, since I got kicked off I get to go and perform one last song. Rehearsals have been underway every day, so I have been going to Wembley and practicing. After practice I usually just hang out with the other contestants that have become best friends/brothers/sisters to me.

I'm so nervous. I haven't performed on a stage in a long time. What sucked was that we were up first. I was with my family backstage waiting for the show to start when my dad said "Bin you are going to do great." I looked over at him and then I looked over at my uncle getting ready and I ran over to him. He looked shocked to see me hugging him.

"I'm so sorry." He rubbed my back and placed his hand under my chin and brought my head up.

"She would want me to do this and she would want us to be strong. Thank you for what you have been doing for Hayden. He loves you you know." I just put my head on his chest as some tears leaked out. I realized I was crying, but when I looked up at my uncle he was crying too.

"Don't cry uncle Louis. Like you said she would want you to be strong for her. She loved you and she supported you through everything." He nodded his head and I detached myself from him.

"Thank you for that. Good luck tonight and remember he loves you." I nodded my head and let him walk away. As I was standing there Hayden came up to me.

"He told you didn't he?"

"You love me?"

"Ever since I first saw you."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You pushed me away and I couldn't tell you while you were sad."

"I love you too." He looked over at me and I was smiling. He took my face in his hands and kissed me. When we broke apart he just held me. I felt some wet substance on my cheek and when I looked up Hayden was crying. I turned around in his arms and wiped his tears away.

"Why are you crying?"

"I miss her so much."

"I know you do. Hay she is still here. Up here." I pointed to my head.

"You have her in your memories and you have pictures."

"They aren't the same thing as having her here." I hugged him tighter.

"Hay you have me now and don't worry I will always be here for you." We were looking at each other's eyes now.

"Thank you my love." He gave me a quick peck on the lips and now it was my time to go on stage and sing. We all had our parts and mine was little until we all sang as a group. While I was singing I looked around and realized I missed this group a lot. We all had fun singing and being with each other. I looked around at everybody smiling and realized I loved this lot and that they became part of my family forever. After we all sang we all went backstage letting the three finalists have the stage and I ran into my family's arms. I looked at everyone and realized that they all got me to where I am today. "I just wanted to say thank you to all of you. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you guys." Everyone smiling at me and then my dad with his loud voice said "GROUP HUG!" Aaahhh I hated these. Everyone came together and I got squished.

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