Chapter 8-Dinner in Hell.

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"How long are you in town for, Sister?" I asked Cybil as she sat across from me looking like the perfect epitome of a trophy wife.
Everything about her was pristine. Her hair was styled professionally, nails freshly manicured. Her dress screamed Versace and her heels Giuseppe Zanotti.
"Just a couple of days. Joffrey had some business here." Ah. Yes, her wealthy husband. Two words, gold and digger. Amelia and I had sat through a ridiculously expensive wedding when the twins were one. Her wine was untouched all for one sip, that being it wasn't a hundred dollar bottle.
"I see. Will he be-"
"Who are you?" Mikey ask Cybil, interrupting me. He had been standing there staring at her like he was trying to identify some rare specimen.
"I'm your aunt. My name is Cybil and you must Michael." Cybil answered him and it surprised me when she grabbed the small boy and sat him in her lap. Damn, figured she didn't want to ruin her unnecessarily expensive Versace.
"Yea, but Mikey for short. I like that a lot better." He said matter of fact and smiled up at her proudly.
"Ah, I think I like that a lot better as well, Mikey." She gave him what Amelia called 'nose kisses' before setting him on his feet.
"I have a new baby sister. Her name is Evie. She is real pretty like my momma and she has two dads!" Mikey said in pride and held up three fingers. We definitely needed to work on that...We had tried to keep that from them until they were older but clearly they listened a lot more then we thought.
"Really? I would like to meet her."
"I can show you her!" Mikey suggested and grabbed onto her hand which flashed a rock probably more expensive than her Benz.
As Cybil let him lead her from the room and down the hall I went into the kitchen, where Amelia and Sarah were cooking dinner.
"Why is she here?" My wife asked and she couldn't have looked more enthused. Amelia despised my sister and I didn't blame her one bit. To Cybil, Amelia was my knocked up, money hungry, charity case.
"Joffrey had business here. Don't worry, the sooner you feed her the sooner she can leave." I told Amelia as she pulled a chicken casserole from the oven. "Mikey insisted on showing Evie to her after he told her she had two dads."
"Seriously? Perfect, that is just...perfect." Amelia threw her arms up in the air and looked over at Sarah. "You thought Sutton Shaw was bad...Cybil will swear us to hell even if that means dragging herself down with us in the process." I couldn't help but laugh. She was beautiful with a blush from irritation on her cheeks. "This isn't funny, Dominic. Get out of my kitchen." She said, prohibiting me from ever entering again.
I went to find Cybil and Mikey. Sean had joined them and they both stood beside my sister who was sitting in the wooden rocking chair, holding my little princess.
"You found her." I said and Cybil looked up at me. There was no hiding the horrified look that was on her face. "Why don't you two go wash up for dinner." I told Michael and Sean. After some protestment from the two they left the room and I closed the door behind them. "Cybil-"
"What is this? Did you bring home the wrong baby? She looks nothing like you." Here we go, I thought as she got up and laid Evie back in her crib with such gentleness I was almost certain she couldn't be upset.
"She is my daughter. Not biologically but she has my name and my love." I went to explain and at my words Cybil's face paled.
"Not biologically? What the fuck is that supposed to mean, Dominic? Did she cheat on you?" She crossed her arms, clearly upset and seeking an answer.
"No, she didn't cheat on me. She has a lover and the three of us were a little careless-"
"A lover? You're kidding? You better be kidding because that is sick." When she headed for the door, hell bent on a mission no doubt, I stepped in front of her.
"Cybil, if you make a scene-"
"Lets just eat so I can get out of this house." My sister snapped and gave me a look that implied she was making no promises. There wasn't much else I could do, so I let her pass me and leave the room.
"Shit." I knew this was going to end badly. I took a few seconds before I followed in my sisters wake. When I made it to the dining room everyone was seated. Cybil's entire demeanor had changed. I prayed we could just get through this smoothly.
"So what is Joffrey working on these days?" Amelia asked her once everyone's plate was full and the sound the silverware made on the dishes was enough to drive someone completely mad.
Cybil didn't say a word...she didn't look at my wife. Amelia frowned at me before she shook her head. "Okay...nevermind."
"I can't do this, Dominic. I feel ill." Cybil said and threw her napkin onto the table and glared at Amelia. "How do sleep beside my brother knowing that little girl in there isn't his? You are fucking-"
"Cybil, don't."
"I have every right to be upset, Dominic." She looked at me all wide eyed and teary.
"You do have every right to be upset, Sister but not while my children are sitting here." I replied. She relaxed a little then but she still glared into her untouched food.
"Sarah, why don't you take the boys to eat in the bedroom...just this once." Amelia added when they practically jumped out of their chairs in excitement. It was like the calm before the storm as Sarah grabbed up their plates and left the dining room. When we were all alone Amelia sat back in her chair and crossed her arms. "Do continue, Cybil. I will silently listen to you judge my family." She said rather sarcastically with a loathing look on her face.
"Oh, sweety I am not judging your family. You have a beautiful family. I'm judging you. So-how do you feel when you're lying with my brother at night and bearing other men's children?"
"You are a bitch."
"Well, its better than being a sick one. So tell me, that why are seeing a therapist? Because you can't live with yourself....god damn, how hard can it be not to act like an unruly whore?" Cybil attacked. Amelia's entire face flushed in anger. "I told you Dominic, I fucking told you when you got with her that-"
"Stop acting so fucking riotous, Cybil. You act like you give a fuck about me and the choices I make? Well at least I have the balls to keep my children unlike you." Amelia snapped. Annnnnd that would be about my sister aborting not one but two children before she was eighteen.
"Because I was doing what was best, Amelia. I didn't want them to grow up asking questions that I couldn't answer. What are you gonna do, huh? What are you gonna do when Evie comes to you asking 'why do I have two daddies?' Oh, because mommy was a whore and then you know what else is gonna happen? She is gonna fucking hate you!" And that was where she drew the line. Amelia stood up so fast from her chair I thought she just might make the six foot leap to attack.
"Get out."
"Oh no, did I hit a nerve, sister in law?" Cybil gasped and very dramatically the hand with the diamond flew to her chest.
"If you don't like the way we live our lives just say so. You don't have to be any part of it, actually I wouldn't give a single fuck if you aren't part of it" I finally spoke up and my sister glared over at me.
"Fine. You have fun living in this twisted little world with her twisted little mind and you know what? I hope to God it doesn't rub off on your poor children."
" better get her out of my fucking house. Right now." My wife warned me and I knew I took everything in her to walk away. There was not another words exchanged until Cybil was standing at the front door.
"You deserve better than this." My sister said to me.
"Better than what? Amelia is an amazing person and so are our children. I would be lost without them. You can judge me and grill me all that you see fit, Sister but I will always stand by them. Always."
"Why are you drinking? What happened?" I asked Amelia. I had spotted her at my bar taking shot after shot, back to back. Didn't she have school tomorrow?
"Because Cybil whatever the fuck her last name is, is a total fucking bitch and if I don't drink I will have a mental breakdown, Rory." She answered and I couldn't help but noticed the tears that threatened her beautifully colored eyes.
"Okay, common." I said and and took her by the arm.
"Where are we going?" She asked as I pulled her towards the back of the club. Her words came out in a rambled mess as I headed for my office.
"To my office, so I can call your husband to come get you,  because you are to drunk to drive." I answered her as we finally reached our destination.
"I don't want to go home, Rory." She said and leaned against the now closed door as I rounded my desk and picked up the receiver to call Dominic. 'Tough shit' was my reply as I listened the line ring. I watched her make her way over to me in a graceless manor when Dominic picked up. As I explained things to him, she had dropped to her knees in front of me and fumbled with my belt. Surprisingly she had gotten it undone and was working on my zipper when I hung up.
"" I said and grabbed her hands. She looked up at me in disappointment and her bottom lip actually came out to pout.
"You're no fun."
"Well, I have no desire to have sex with you in this state, Amelia. You're lucky you are drunk or I would show you just how disappointed I am." I replied and pulled her back to her feet.
"Fine. You're mean."
"Oh, you have not seen mean yet, baby." I promised and ushered her to the couch. Minutes later she was sleeping and looking as peaceful as ever while doing so. Who was Cybil? And what the hell had happened?
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-Lu 💋

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