Chapter 10-The kiss of the cane.

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"Michael, if you put your finger into that cake one more time!" I threatened my four year old son for the hundredth time as he ran from the kitchen, giggling. I had turned away for two seconds to grab a stack of plates and he had managed to sneak back into my kitchen to steal a taste of the buttercream icing.
I had spent three hours baking that damn cake for Sarah's birthday dinner. My nanny insisted on helping me in the preparation of dinner but I had refused. We had several guests; Sarah's roommates, Liz and Reed, Chris, Rory, Olivia and Zeke. Plus two very excited, overly entergetic children my mother would be coming to get shortly for the weekened. Thank god.
"Cut the kid some slack." Rory said, a very amused grin on his face as he took some beers from the fridge. I returned his grin with a glare.
"Cut me some slack and help me set the table. Come on, make yourself useful." I sounded extremely snappy...had been all evening towards, well, everyone. I could tell it was getting of Rory's nerves. As I made my way towards the dining room the entire two hundred plus pounds of muscle and male blocked my path.
"Next you have the urge to be a smartass, remember who you are going to be spending the entire...weekend with." He said and took the vintage styled glass plates from my hands with a threatening smile just on the edges of his lips.
"Ah, was that a threat or a command? You know, you're not the boss yet." I replied and cocked my eyebrow with such arrogance he laughed.
"Really? I'll remember that when you are bound and withering. " Rory nodded his head slowly, clearly liking that idea as he turned and left me alone. My belly fluttered at his words as I turned to retrieve the sterling silverware from my grandmothers silverset. As a small child she would only bring them out for special occasions. Birthday dinners being one.
I rolled my eyes as I noticed his beers sat on the countertop. He really needed to pay attention.
I scooped them up and went into the dining room where Rory was setting each plate in front of a chair.
I was glad when Dominic had suggested we buy a huge dining table because we almost always had a guest.
I waited for Rory to finish before handing him his abandoned beers. "Thanks baby." He said and on his way out he gave my bum a nice little pat. That man...
Ten minutes later everyone was seated after I brought in the baked fish and veggies. My two children looked down into their plates, horrified.
"So, Sarah, how old are you now?" Rory asked her with that dimply smile. Dominic was on one side of me and Rory the other.
"Really? I wouldn't have guessed anything past twenty-three." Rory replied a hint of charm in his tone and Sarah actually blushed. Was he really flirting with my nanny while his hand was resting on my bare thigh? Oh, no no no. Was I jealous?
"What are you majoring in Liz? I hear you are about to graduate." Dominic asked the long fair haired woman of pure beauty. I turned my attention away from Rory and Sarah's harmless flirting and to a much more important topic.
"Business Administration and Management as well as Finance." I adored the way she said that with such pride. It was always nice to have an education and by the way Sean Simmons was acting in school he was gonna be in juvie by age ten. Not gonna happen on my account, I'll be damned.
"That is really great, Liz. I think Rory majored in Business. If I'm not mistaken." I said putting as much emphasis in his name as I could. He looked away long enough to say, "I did and I own a club. You should come by sometime."
"You're way to charming for your own good, Rory Shaw." Sarah said and I had never heard something come out of someone so flustered and flirty. That was probably the one and only time I had ever been annoyed by my nanny, too.
"Are you going to open a business?" Dominic asked her as I made it a point to move Rory's hand from my leg.
"Well I have taken several photography courses and I am currently working for a photography company but I plan on opening a Galleria after school." Liz explained and I was surprised I could hear her over Sarah's giggling. Rory's hand was on me again and I shoved it off a little harder.
He was not going to show me affection while flirting with someone at the same time. That was a prime example of the man Dominic Simmons used to be. Been there, done that. No thanks.
"Perhaps we will look into getting some family photos done." I suggested and Liz happily agreed. As dinner progressed I pretty much gave up, Rory had no intention on taking his hand off of me. "Who wants cake?" I suddenly asked as his hand disappeared under my dress. There was no missing the smirk Rory shot me.
"Me!!!" Both Sean and Mikey called out as I got up and made my way to the kitchen in a hurry. I took my time lighting all the candles and as I returned everyone sang her happy birthday. Thankfully before the twins could eat a whole piece my mother showed up and snatched them away, along with Evie. I was a little scared to send her away for a night but my mother insisted she sleep in the nursery at her house and promised if anything happened she would call.
Following in suite thereafter, Sarah, Liz and Reed left as well. As I was packing a small bag for my weekend with Rory, Dominic came into the room.
"Are you sure you're okay with spending the weekend with Rory" I asked him again, zipping the Michael Kors duffel. Dominic pulled me close and kissed me tenderly,
"Mhm, Chris and I are going to spend most of the weekened golfing and restaurant hoping."
"Kinda chilly for golfing huh?" I asked, not wanting him to get sick while in process.
"I'll wear a coat and gloves. I promise." He assured me and gave me another kiss. Damn, did his kisses make me tingle all over.
"I had a nice time and the food was amazing." I looked over at Amelia in the passenger side of my truck, needing to make conversation. She had been quiet most of the way to my house and silence always made me uneasy.
Without looking over at me she replied, "Seems you did have a nice time. You and Sarah seemed to be hitting it off, true?"
"You seem jealous." When she turned her head to frown at me I rose my eyebrow in question.
"What-seriously? No."
"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" I asked her as she had in fact did when she looked away. Amelia shifted uncomfortably in the seat before shaking her head. "No."
"Did you just lie to me?" I asked rather surprised and became impatient when she chose not to answer. We had just pulled into my driveway and after I cut the engine I turned to her. "Well? I expect you to answer me when I have a question."
"Yes I did-"
"Properly. Answer me properly." Amelia let out a nervous exhale and her face flushed crimson as she met my eyes.
"Yes Sir, I did lie. I'm sorry." She said quietly. After every word that left her lips her blush darkened a shade deeper. Mostly satisfied with her answer, I got out of the truck and walked around to her side and opened the door.
"I'll take this." I took her bag and shut the truck door behind her. The walk up to the front door was awkward, for her, not me. I could practically feel her nerves rolling off of her body.
Once we were inside and the door was locked behind us I sat Amelia's bag down and turned to face her.
"Are you nervous?" I asked and reached out to gently touch her cheek. Amelia laughed nervously and nodded her head.
"Yes. A little." I chose not to aknoledge her lack of using the word 'Sir' and smiled softly down into her green eyes.
"You should be...I want you to go into my playroom and I want you to wait, patiently for me on the chaise." Amelia frowned up at me for several seconds before she slowly left the foyer and I watched her disappear up the stairs. She definitely had quite a bit of learning to do. I would suggest she confide in Olivia on some of the basics.
I went to my office then and checked my email. Sadly Sutton had not let up on our prenup 'issue' and I was starting to get frustrated with her. She was so bratty and never satisfied. What was his name? Ah, Elijah, poor guy.
I had gotten carried away and when I looked at the time I had noticed Amelia had been waiting for nearly thirty minutes.
I shut my laptop and left the office. My first stop was my closet in the bedroom. Despite her lengthy wait I took my time getting out of my clothes and settling into a pair of bluejeans. I let my hair free of the black tie because I knew she enjoyed it that way before I went to the playroom.
Amelia was lazily lounging on the red chaise looking bored out of her mind as she examined her freshly painted maroon nails. As I closed the door behind me her head popped up, noticing my arrival. I did have plans for her, I had thought about them throughout dinner as my hand had rested on her thigh that she so desperately pushed away several times.
I could feel Amelia's eyes watching me as walked around the room full of gadgets, many different sizes, shapes and colors. Some for pain, some for pleasure. But a true submissive would find that where there is pain there can also be pleasure.
I stopped, hand hovering over the thin red cane. It was flexible, precisely three feet in length and the black rubber handle fit perfectly in my palm.
"Do you know what this is?" I asked Amelia after I had turned around and made my way across the large room to her.
"No-No Sir." She was quick to corrected herself. 
"It's a cane. The wood is thin, its flexible and it's going to hurt." I explained as I sat it beside her and she stared down at it.
"Three strikes. Because you are sassy, you like to roll your eyes and you lied. But I don't really care for odd numbers. So six strikes." I had to swallow a chuckle as Amelia frowned up at me. I knew she was thinking four would be more logical...
I tugged each wrist lightly, testing the strength of the red ropes. There wasn't much give in them at all. I wasn't surprised to find that there were two silver loops screwed very securely into the back of the chaise as Rory had instructed I bend over the back of it.
Other than the tightness of my restraints I was completely comfortable in the the position. My knees sunk into the soft cushion of seat.
My stomach was twisting in anticipation as Rory tied my ankles together. I though it was rather weird that I was fully clothed even after he had pushed my dress up to bare my cloth covered ass.
When Rory was done with his knot jobs he got up and came to stand right in front of me, his crotch inches from my face as he gathered my hair into his hands and tied it back. I had to addmitt his hips looked much nicer holding his jeans up than a towel.
When he was done with my preparation, he leaned down to my eye level. "So, tell me while you're here now that I am not the boss." His eyes jumped from my mouth to my eyes several times as I blushed.  I wouldn't dare...
"I'd rather not." I shook my head slightly and he chuckled before standing up again and stepping out of view. All I could see now was the corner.
"That's what I thought." For several seconds I didn't hear him or see him but then wood was suddenly tickling the flesh on my thighs. Up and down, over my ass , back down my thighs.
"Six strikes. I would like you to count them. Lose or forget to count then I will start over. What is your safeword?" Rory asked me. "Black." And I feel the first impossibly hard stroke against my skin with no warning. Before I can process it, I felt the biting sting across both cheeks. I scream out, completely forgetting to count, never mind think.
"Now that, was just not good enough." I heard him say as I was panting in surprise.
He steps forward and I jump when I feel his touch, his hand makes contact with my ass, harshly several times, bringing me back to my senses.
"I'm sorry, I just wasn't expecting that."I apologize and I feel him slipping his fingers into the waistband of my underwear to pulling them down until they reached my knees.
"Lets start over." Rory suggests. Before he's even finished speaking, another stringy kiss from the cane is delivered. I scream out,  quickly following with 'One.' After each one I have to catch my breath before counting. By the the sixth my heart is hammering in my chest and it feels as if someone has thrown a bucket of steaming water over the ass and my thighs.
Rory doesn't say anything but I do hear him move away from the chaise. I rest my head against the back and try to relax my body to no avail. My arms are burning, my wrists feel raw from pulling against the rope.
Finally I felt the cushion move as he sat beside me. "You took that better than I had thought." He said and my entire body flinched away as his hand began to lightly massage my marked skin.
"It was not to bad." Now that was a lie. Screw that cane and its creator. "Thank you for my punishment, Sir." I said because I knew that was exactly what he wanted to hear. Despite never wanting another kiss from his cane, my thighs were soaked.
"My pleasure....Mmm, and yours." Followed by his words there was a loud buzzing that filled my ears. Yessssss
A sigh of nothing but pleasure left my lips when he held, whatever it was that he had, against my clit. The tip ran along my slit, splitting me open for undeterred access. I immediately jump and writhed  from the extreme, almost painful pleasure it gave.
I wished I could open my legs up completely to it but I wasn't gonna complain. The first moan radiated from my throat when Rory pushed his fingers deep inside me, curving them upwards, turning them, thrusting them. I didn't think I had ever reached the edge so quick.
"Oooh, can I cum?" I was embarrassed at how little time it had taken before I had to ask that question.
Rory chuckled, "Not yet, baby."
"Please-" Not yet, Amelia. No means no...His actions said that as well when he stopped all physical contact with me. "Rory, please." I absolutely hate the feeling of sudden emtiness. Its leaves me aching and suppressing curses. But my stomach flutters in excitement when I feel the head of him push against my  entrance. I was so wrapped up in my arousal I hadn't heard him undress. Before I can stop myself I push my hips back on to him, which is exactly what he was waiting for. We both groan in unison when he is all the way up to my cervix. Rory takes my freshly tender ass into his hands and rocks against me again and again and again. The ache deep down in my belly starts to build and I know I'm going to cum and I won't be able to stop it. "Please, let me-"
"Cum." Im not sure if he was becoming impatient or if he was there himself. I lose myself in the  depths of his desire. My back arches and I scream as I break through the wall and my orgasm rips through me, before I am done Rory reaches his climax. The intensity has left me shaking, sweating and whimpering.
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