Chapter 13-Goodbye

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"I feel so bad. Do you think we should be doing this? Honestly." Sarah couldn't squash the guilty feeling that she was having while she lay entangled with Chris in the Simmons's guest bedroom. She had put the children to bed long ago, cleaned up the dishes from dinner and managed to get the rest of the entire house clean before Chris had pounced on her.

She was quite confused actually, given he had told her a few hours after their quickie bathroom sex that they probably shouldn't do that again, ever. But here they were nine hours later.

"Why?" Chris asked her and she tilted her head slightly so they she could look at him. 'Well damn he is so handsome,' she thought before she sighed heavily.

"Well, because Mrs. Simmons is lying the in the hospital, literally about to die. Amelia and Dominic are there and I just know they are having a hard time. Yet, here we are, having sex like some huge tragedy didn't just happen...Is about to happen." Sarah explained. She knew she had every right to feel guilty but she also knew that she was just the Nanny and there was nothing she could do for Amelia and her family except take care of the children.

"I understand. But what else are we supposed to do? Cry? Watch a sad movie? Call them up and ask them if they are okay? Because we know that aren't." Chris suggested and Sarah scowled up at him. "Fine, we don't have to have sex again. We can just talk. But please let's just leave all of that sad shit out because I can't deal with that."

"Okay. Let's talk. I want you to tell me about your wife. Why aren't you with her right now?" She asked him, all in seriousness. Meanwhile Chris was thinking of a way to avoid that question. He soon realized that, avoiding it, probably wouldn't be an option.

"Well, we are separated. If it was up to me we wouldn't be. If it was up to me she would have stayed faithful. There really isn't much more to tell." He left it at that. Chris had no desire to talk about his wife...especially with this woman. True, he had told Sarah that they should not continue this fun but there was just something about her. He could sense it before he had even taken her in the bathroom that morning. Sarah was damaged...he could practically smell the heartbreak seeping through her pores.

"Ah, I see. Well if it makes you feel any better my boyfriend wasn't faithful either. He started sleeping with Sutton. That's Evie's fathers wife. She is such a bitch." She could tell that talking about his wife was making him uncomfortable so she didn't press about the subject. 

"Yea, I think Dominic has mentioned her, a time or two. Figure  I should steer clear of that woman." Chris suggested. 'You have no idea.' Sarah thought but before she could say another word, Evie's little cooing over the baby monitor turned into a cry. 

"Duty calls. I always have such trouble bottle feeding her since she is used to Amelia's boob." Sarah shook her head as she pulled away from Chris and quickly slipped into her clothes. "Don't go anywhere, Mr. Simmons." 

"Oh, I would have to be drug from this room." He assured her after she had stopped at the door to look back at him. 'He is so handsome. Why would his wife leave that?' Was Sarah's last thought before she left the room to go assist the crying baby. 


I knew I should be at the hospital with my mom because knowing my luck she would die while I was not there. Dominic had encouraged me to go see Dr. Dubre this morning, even though we didn't have a session until tomorrow. I really didn't want to leave but I knew that I wanted to talk to someone about the way I was feeling and I just was not ready to do that with my Dad or my brother or Dominic. My Father was a complete mess and my brother not to far behind him. 

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