Chapter 9-Cry, cry, cry.

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"Holy...Fuck." The alarm was mocking the incessant hammering my brain was doing in my skull. "Noooo." I flinched when I made a move to get up from the bed but my entire body protested. "Why...why do I have to be an adult with responsibilities?" I murmured to myself and made my way to the bathroom slower than molasses in January. My shower was fast. Had I shampooed my hair? Who knows, a conditioning was good enough.
My outfit reflected my mood. Vans, a pair of denim shorts and the plainest t-shirt I had in my closet. Don't bother brushing your hair,  Amelia. Throw it in a messy bun.
I very happily took one of Dr. Dubre's happy pills before leaving the bedroom. The boys were eating breakfast, Sarah was bottle feeding Evie and Dominic was casually conversing with...Rory?
"What are you doing here?" I asked Rory and took a seat beside Sean at the bar.
"Well aren't you just a product of loveliness this morning." He replied and smiled over at me sarcastically.
"Shut up. Shut up and give me coffee. Yessss. And Advil ASAP." I demanded, laying my head on the black granite countertop and before I finished my sentence there was a steaming mug of coffee in front of me. I didn't think I had ever drank something so fast in my life. "More."
"Mommy why are you dressed like a homeless man?" Mikey asked, snickering. I squinted at the little boy, to smart for his own good.
"Hey, these are my favorite shorts."
"Won't you scare all of the kids at your school dressed like that, momma?" Sean asked next.
"Whose children are these again? I think they showed up on the wrong porch. Hurry, make flyers, they need to be returned by the end of the day!" I exclaimed  and it won me giggles from both of my kids.
"Beats me."
"Don't know,  never seen them before. At least they are cute."
Surprisingly by the time I had medicine, food and more coffee in my system the headache went away.
As I was leaving Rory insisted on walking me to my car. What had happened last night? Last time I  checked Jose Cuervo and I were hitting it off.
"I didn't do anything to embarrassing last night, right?" I asked him, seeking Intel as he opened my car door.
"Nah...well you did try to go down on me. Hey, if you want, we can try that again, successfully." Rory wiggled his eyebrows and pulled me against him.
"You're no good...and no PDA in my driveway. I have neighbors who know who my husband is." I pushed him away.
"If you say so but let me beg to differ first. I think you look extremely cute in your homeless clothes." He complimented and his eyes went to rake my body.
"Quench your thirst. I'm all yours in three days." I promised and slid behind the wheel. Even waking up with a hangover and spending my morning with the people I loved, I didn't have a fucking clue what I was in for today.
I was completely emotionless. The medication Dr. Dubre had given me was definitely stabilizing my mood. I didn't feel happy, or sad, or mad. I felt...nothing. Absolutely nothing. I didn't care what Cybil had said, I didn't care that Elijah was doing Sarah dirty, I most certainly had no desire to be Rory's little plaything, I wasn't excited about my lessons. Most importantly though, that raw feeling in my chest was gone. All day, one question ran though my head; Would I rather be emotionless with no pain or happy, sad, mad, excited but occasionally feel the ache?
I wished I could go talk to Dr. Dubre about it.
"What the hell?" I muttered when I pulled into the driveway beside Dominic's vehicle. There was a black Cadillac parked in front of my mailbox. Whoever it was, I hoped they would be leaving soon. I just wanted some wine and to company.
I took my time, shutting the engine off, getting out of the car and pressing the lock button on my key. Damn, what had I been thinking wearing shorts in September? It was rather chilly during the day, already. If it was up to me I would have taken ages to reach the front door but the cold wind had me shivering so I hurried inside. Once I was behind the door, I tossed my car keys onto the the table in the foyer. The same one Rory had practically molested me on last year. Damn, that had been nice, or at least I remembered it had been very nice.
"Dominic?" I called out and entered our empty living room. Where were my children? Where was Sarah? Usually they were demanding an afternoon snack like a couple of starved heathens right around this time.
"We are in the kitchen." He called back and I made my way in the direction.
"We? Who is we?" I frowned as I reached my destination and stopped in the doorway. "Oh-Chris?" Now I was very fucking surprised to see Dominic's brother, Chris standing there. He looked freakishly similar to Cybil, with his red hair and handsome features. He was tall, very tall and thin, but under the Sublime shirt he was rocking I could see he was fit.
"Hey." He smiled over at me and I narrowed my gaze on him before looking at Dominic.
"Why is he here? Where are my kids?" I asked my husband. They would have already noticed my arrival by now and would have come running or they would have been in here already, seeking a snack or grilling their Uncle Chris.
"Your mom came not to along ago and stole them."
"Why is he here?" I repeated that particular question. Not to be fucking rude but I had had enough of his shitty family judging mine.
"Cybil called me last night-" Chris started to say but I put my hand up, shutting him down, real quick.
"Well your sister spoke for the both of you last night. Yes, I had another mans baby and my husband watched while he impregnated me. Feel free to tell everyone in your family, Chris, if you sister hasn't already. Now, don't let the door hit you in your ass on the way out." I smiled contemptuously at him before turning to leave.
"I'm not here to judge you, Amelia. I mean at first I was a little freaked out but if Dominic loves her like his own blood then I will treat her no different or any less than I treat Mikey and Sean." Chris spoke up again and I  stopped in my tracks.
"Well didn't that just sound so very fucking sincere." I glanced over my shoulder.
"Amelia?" Dominic sounded surprised and confused that I would say that.
"What?" And the moment that word left my lips a thick wave of emotions crashed through my body. Okay, mood stabilizer pills, what the fuck. "Maybe Cybil is right-"
"Cybil is never right. She is a self righteous bitch and you shouldn't let what she-"
"What if that is what's wrong with me. I have to see a therapist because I can't live with myself knowing Evie isn't ours-" I swallowed around the forming lump in my throat and blinked my eyes several times not wanting to release the menacing tears.
"Amelia..don't do that to yourself." Dominic said and my hand flew up to my mouth.
"Oh my god....she was right." My vision blurred and seconds later my cheeks were soaked and burning. And so was my chest. I broke out into an uncontrollable sob and a second later I could feel Dominic's arms around me. "It hurts." I clawed at my chest with one hand and the other took a handful of Dominic's shirt.
"What hurts? Amelia?" Dominic asked, his tone was panicked and he brushed loose curls away from my tear cover cheeks.
"I have to go lay down." I broke away from his embrace.
"Amelia?" He called after me as I practically ran from the kitchen. What the hell was wrong with me?
"....I totally had a breakdown. My chest was burning and then I laid in bed for the rest of day all sulky and depressed. It was scary." I sat across from Dr. Dubre the next afternoon, telling her about yesterday.
Dominic hadn't thought it was a good idea that I go into work today but I had insisted. I felt fine this morning, I felt fine now. I didn't know what had happened or what had triggered that. Chris? Cybil? Or perhaps I just needed to cry, for once.
"Do you think his sister is right? You can't live with yourself knowing Evie isn't Dominic's?" She asked me.
"No. I don't think that. We all are okay with that, Dominic is really okay with it. Honestly I think I was trying to find a reason to cry...something to let out all of this built up...whatever this is." I had felt creepily emotionalless most of the day and suddenly all of my emotions were flipped on.
"It doesn't have to be something in your life that makes you feel that way, rather than events that are happening in your life. For example, its not Evie in general that makes you depressed but if something tragic were to happen, like she get really sick, it can trigger it. I think you might be suffering from Episodic Depression. It comes and goes. Sometimes nothing at all can set set it off." Dr. Dubre explained and I nodded slowly, listening to her.
"When I was just about to graduate from college I remember going into a depression." It was horrible. Come to think of it, it had happened a few times in childhood and then in my teens. "So what do we do about it?" I asked her.
"Right now, I just want you to keep coming to me. There are tests that can be ran, medications. But I don't want to do any of those just yet. If you feel comfortable taking the mood stabilizers you can...." Maybe I should just take them when I actually felt depressed instead of daily. Clearly that had been a bad idea.
My eyes flew open but I couldn't see anything but darkness. It took a minute for my brain to start functioning properly and I glanced at the clock. Only ten-thirty. The kids had went to bed at almost nine after an early dinner and Dominic had went out with Chris.
He wouldn't be home to soon yet. Everytime Chris was in town they went out, drank, played poker and caught up. I leaned over and turned my bedside lamp on. I guess this is what I got for going to bed so early. I was just tired.
I got up from the bed and left the room. Boys were still sleeping and so was Evie. Rory though, he wasn't in the living-room where I had left him and it only took me a second to realize the shower was going in the guest bathroom.
"Rory?" I said as I opened the door and stepped inside. Steam rolled from the top of the shower, fogging the large mirror above the double sinks.
He opened the glass door and his head popped out a second later. "Hey, I thought you were sleeping?"
"Yea, me too. You know you don't have to listen to Dominic when he insists you stay when he goes out. I'm a big girl." I told him when he disappeared back into the shower. A second later the water cut off and he stepped out.
"Yea? Well, I am big guy...bigger than the average burglar." He said with a heavenly grin on his face. My eyes dropped down to his groin. Yes. He. Is. "Hope you didn't mind me using the shower." Sadly a towel covered him and I met his eyes again, an amused glint to them.
" No, I don't mind." I sounded a bit flustered and I felt myself blush but I couldn't help looking at the tiny beads of water that covered his entire chest. Some rolled down over his very defined abdominal muscles. Damn. His long damp brown hair clung to his skin. "Damn." I muttered and looked away from him.
"Are you okay?" He asked me and I exhaled deeply when he came to stand in front of me. When I looked up, way up, he was still smiling that heavenly smile.
"Put you dimples away. You're very...very distracting." What he was, was a lethal weapon. His hip bones were all that was really holding that towel up and I could easily reach out and change that.  "Im sorry. Common and I will walk you back to bed." Rory said and pointed at this door as if to say, 'Ladies first, lead the way.'
I felt his eyes on me the entire time I walked back down to the bedroom. Jeez, I felt like a prey that had just gotten spotted by the predator. 
I stopped at the open door and turned to face him. "Want to tuck me in to?" I winked up at Rory and he raised his brow. He most definitely would without hesitation. It was meant to be a joke but I found myself taking his hand, "Common, lie down with me." As I started to pull him into the room his feet stuck in place like glue to the floor and I frowned up at him. "What?" I asked.
"If I get into that bed with you, Amelia, I'm going to fuck you in every way imaginable until you cannot move. I will touch and tease very single inch of your body by the time I'm through with you," he stated graphically. I swallowed over and over again feeling my body quake with fear, excitement, and desire.He waited patiently for me to say something.
"Oh...okay." I said quietly and let his hand go. Rory watched me as I went into the room. It was his decision and when I turned to face him again he hadn't moved. Did he need help? I peeled my fetching little pink nightie off like a bandaid and was left standing there nude except for my panties. It felt like ages that he just stood there staring at me but finally he came in shutting the door behind him.
"As sexy as they are, get rid of them or I will do so myself." Rory said eying the last piece of cloth on my body as he stalked towards me. Immediately my fingers found the thin waistband. I barely got them past my ass as his mouth took mine passionately. He grasped the back of my head and held it tightly as his tongue plunged.I gave my mouth over to his ravishment. 
Suddenly he growled in frustration and pushed me onto the bed. "I thought I said get rid of these." He finished the job, ripping the material off of my body.
"You attacked me." I answered him as he pushed my thighs apart and settled perfectly between my legs. Bummer his towel was still on.
Rory chuckled as his teeth nipped my collarbone,  "Oh no baby, I have not attacked yet." He warned and his lips latched on to my nipple and between his teeth.  I cried out in pleasure, the dampness between my legs thickened with each deep pull from him.
"Mm, I do get to join, true?" That wasn't was Dominic and as my head rolled to the side he was standing in the room. I hadn't heard him enter. My husband looked aroused and ready to play.
"Seems you will be extra exhausted when we are done with you." It was a promise that My Lover, My Dominant whispered into my ear.
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Go check out"Saving Molly's Community." by tamlaura1  It is great and I was drawn right into the story! Good work❤

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