Chapter 15-Who we are.

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The creaking and groaning the chair made as I sat down had me wincing. It was the wooden rocking chair that was in my daughters Nursery. Evie was so peaceful, so beautiful and she looked like she would break in my big arms, sleeping. Amelia was putting things away, diapers, clothes, bottles...I gazed down at my beautiful little princess. She looked so much like me...It was crazy, the love was stronger than any love I had ever even felt. 

Once we were both comfortable, I grabbed the red leather diary I had bought for Amelia and opened it up. The spine was still stiff, given she had only written one entry.  I flipped the thick red page that she a signed her name in and started to read:


     Before a year ago I never thought that I could ever be with anyone besides Dominic. Even after Rory had come into my life. Even after that first time he had kissed me in the foyer and told me that he wanted me...but here I am, A year later, sitting in his living room, writing in this journal that he has given, knowing that he will read it. But that is okay, I want you too . Sometimes it is still weird, even though we have Evie together and  we spend time together. Every time I look into my daughters eyes I see him, I hear his laugh, his voice. All of those things that are so familiar yet, I don't know him. Where are his parents?...his siblings? Why is he the way that he is? Sometimes I catch him just staring off into space and he seems to be thinking about something...Not work, or being a dad or even me...something deeper. I want to ask him but I don't want to pry. Dr. Dubre says that I should get to know him, not his body, because I have learned and know every inch but his mind. His past, his childhood. What is his favorite movie? Not his favorite sex position. I just really want to know you....Tell me please.

I must have reread her entry three or four times before I looked up at Amelia. She was changing the crib sheets, not paying me a single mind. Maybe that was why she is so afraid to love me back. I knew everything about her. She has shared countless memories with me from early childhood until right before she had met Dominic. Either I hadn't realized it until now or I just chose to ignore it but I have never shared one single fucking thing in my life with her rather good or bad. I didn't like to go there, I could barely handle it when I went there in my head and with the way this whole journal reading was going that is exactly where my mind was. 

"Amelia." I said as I closed  the little red book and looked up at her. She was still moving around the room, no doubt putting things in place like she wanted even though Sarah spent more time in here than anyone. No one wanted my opinion on that one. 'Hmm.' She replied with and glanced over at me. "You said you would like to know more about me." 

With that she stopped what she was going and looked over at me. Her cheeks had flushed suddenly as she glanced to her red journal before meeting my gaze, "Of course." 

I decided that I could start with my teen-hood but before I could say anything else the Twins started to scream in the living room. "Damn it." She hissed and rushed from the nursery. I sighed heavily, because my mind was already there and there was no turning back:

Fourteen years earlier. 

I laid in the  rundown bedroom in our shitty apartment complex in downtown Chicago listening to my 'Red Hot Chili Peppers' CD and trying to drown out the sound of my arguing strung out parents. Sadly the argument was always the fucking the fuck they were going to get their next bump because my 'Fathers'  check didn't come in until the end of the week from his trash truck job and my mothers disability check didn't come until the beginning of the month. 'Disability'. She pretty much got a check for being a psychotic bitch. 

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