Chapter 12

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I expected to sleep soundly that night but my mind had other plans for me.

    Filly was snatched from my hands and thrown against the ground as the monster stormed towards me. No, not towards me.

    Towards Ace.

    The monster shoved me aside, my small body flying through the air at the force. I hit the sidewalk hard. The concrete grated against my skin, tearing my palms to shreds and drawing blood. But that was nothing compared to what would happen to Ace.

    "You're suppose to be at home, you little shit." The monster roared, grabbing onto Ace's arm. His other hand rose high into the air before it launched down. Skin connected against skin, a loud smack rang out. Then Ace was no longer standing.

    His limp body hung in the arms of his father, closed eyes and a very red cheek. The monster stood tall, hoisting Ace's body up in the process. Then Mr. Hunt looked down at me and smiled, "What a pretty little friend my son has. If only you were mine too, oh the things I'd do."

    His smile turned wicked as he stepped over me and back towards the truck.

    My eyes snapped open, my whole body jolting awake. I was covered in a thick layer of sweat, causing my hair to stick to my neck and forehead, while my heart pumped at an unnatural rate. I panted, over and over again, trying so hard to get the image of that man's smile out of my head.

    I rolled over in bed, burying my face into the pillow. My fingers clawed at the sheets in an attempt to dull the overwhelming sensation pressing against my chest. My lungs burned, like frostbite, and the pressure on my body was almost too much to bare. I kicked off the blanket, trying to extinguish the flames scorching my stomach even though my fingers and toes were freezing to the point where my entire body trembled with a chill I couldn't escape.

    The joys of waking up in the middle of a panic attack.

    Time ticked on. Eventually my breathing slowed as did my heart. The weight lifted from my chest though the cold remained which conflicted with the inferno in my gut. I loosened the death grip I held on my sheets, letting my muscles and limbs slacken.

    Damn ... that one was really bad.

    The nightmare had been short but not short enough. I remembered that day so clearly. It was the first time Ace's father ever threatened me personally. Usually it was only Ace, always Ace, and I just melted into the background. As a child, I had been grateful for that but I didn't know better. I didn't realize the amount of pain and suffering Ace went through each and every day.

    But on that particular day, the one I just dreamed of, we shared an equal fear.

    That smile, that damn smile. It was so ... evil. There was no other way to describe it. A shiver ran down my spine, causing goosebumps to dance across my skin. I laid face down for a long time, taking deep breaths to calm my nerves.

    It was only a dream. It's over. He can't get me anymore.

    Deep breath.

    Shallow breath.

    I rolled myself back over, easing my body back onto the pillows. As I did so, something caught my eye. A flickering light. Of course. I didn't even have to read the label to know which one it was. The smell of Ace's cologne wafted through the air but surprisingly ... it brought me peace. This was the one time where I was actually relieved to see the candles acting on their own.

    My fingers reached for my phone to check the time. It was only four in the morning. It would take some time to fall back asleep, especially after a nightmare like that. But I couldn't sit up for the next five hours, we had church today and if I fall asleep during the sermon grandma will have my head.

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