Sunshine Smile.

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You are my sunshine.
My only sunshine.
You make me happy.
When skies are gray.
You'll never know dear.
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.

From the moment you looked into my eyes you had me. With that sunshine smile. You had me. We briefly saw each other after we first met and I asked you out. You said yes fortunately. But it was the most horrific date in history. After that I thought I had no chance with you but you just laughed and smiled that sunshine smile and told me you had a good time. So we went on a couple of dates after that and I asked you to be mine. You said yes, and I nearly fainted.
History was made.

You were beautiful in every aspect of your being. You were the reason for my happiness. I vowed to love you until the day my lungs stopped working and my heart stopped beating.  But I haven't gotten to that point. Yet you have. Drunk driver. Fucking asshole. I walked through those hospital doors and I knew you were going to leave me. I ran to your room and I demanded to see you. Wires everywhere. I sat next to your bed and held your hand and I told you that your were going to be okay.Yet you just shook your head as tears flowed down your rosy cheeks. You told me you loved me. Then you smiled your last sunshine smile. I could hear a screeching beeping sound but I just looked at your lifeless body. The nurse was pulling me out of your room and I just waited for your eyes to flutter back open. They never did. I screamed. I cried. I punched. I kicked. I broke.
6 am drunk. Wandering down a lonely street. Cars. A drunk driver killed a sober you. So why not a sober driver kill a drunk me. I waked in the middle of the road and I stood there. I wasn't scared to die. I wanted to. Even though I knew I'm wasn't going to be with you because I'm going to hell, but hell beats living. As the vehicle got closer I closed my eyes and I saw you. I saw you. You were dancing and you looked at me and smiled that sunshine smile and said,
" I love y-"

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