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"Lost is a lovely place to find yourself."

I had always wanted to approach you, since the day we shared halfhearted smiles when our eyes locked as we walked down the same street.

I remember when I had first met you. Your eyes an amalgamation of innocence and purity with a subtle hint of debauchery which only made everything better.

We'd roam the streets of New York stopping to admire the various record shops. My hand finding yours and your lips a full stop on mine.

When you demanded that we reenact a cliche kissing in the rain scene.

Or the time when you asked me to play the piano for you. You grabbed my hand and said, "touch me like you touch the keys".

When we had sex in your garden. Your singing startling the birds and the bees. The stars blushing and you following suit.

When I was exposed to the most beautiful sound in the world. It wasn't the birds chirping, the rain hitting the pavement, It wasn't even your moans.
It was hearing you say, "I love you."

Or when we weren't a "we" anymore.
I got drunk trying to forget all of the things we shared.
A bed, kisses, clothes, and love.

Now all we share are halfhearted smiles when our eyes lock as we walk down the same street, again.

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