Beautiful Soul.

115 67 6

December 28th 2016

I'm sure her hands bleed while trying to collect the broken pieces of myself.

A beautiful soul that dreams of things that nobody can imagine. I am afraid of losing someone of her nature, flowers wrapped in her rib cage and tears that leave trails of gold.

The girl who does not dance unless the music plays, does not smile unless she's happy, and does not say "I love you" unless she means it. That's why my heart sings every time she directs those words towards me.

She sleeps on the moon and kisses the stars.

She does everything with passion. She never ceases to amaze me. It's hard not to love someone with such beauty

My heart flickers like a flame that lights up a dark room when she's around me.

Pretty words hang from her lips. She speaks the language of nature and the flowers swoon simultaneously.

She's afraid of affection. She hides behind a mask because she's not exactly who she wishes to be, although she's exactly who she is meant to be.
An angel in disguise.

She's at rest in my brain and I'm fine with it, because she knows me more than I know myself.

Je vous remercie de tout ce que vous avez fait pour moi. Je t'aimerai toujours.

Votre mari ennuyant,

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