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It turned into a competition of who can make the other hurt more.

Why did you hurt me?
"I didn't realize I was hurting you"
Shut the fuck up. That's like you picking up a gun, shooting me,and then saying,
"I didn't realize that I shot you."
When I told you I'd die for you that wasn't an invitation to kill me, honey.

Why did you lie to me?
"The truth hurts"
You think lies don't?
You told me you cared for me but you lied to me. You were a terrible liar just as you were a terrible person.
I hate liars yet I was in love with an excessive one.
"Telling the truth and making someone cry is better than telling a lie and making someone smile."
Don't lie to me, honey.

Why do you think I'm stupid?
"I don't"
It was hilarious. You thought I was oblivious to what you were doing.
Me not questioning you and your hypocritical actions doesn't mean that I didn't see them.
I loved you. So I chose to look past your mistakes.
I'm not blind, honey.

I may be lonely.
I may be pathetic.
But, I'm not stupid.

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