Rainbow Six and New Crushes?

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(Y/N)'s pov

Though I had just met these three it feels as if I had known them much longer. I don't think I've smiled this much in a while. It feels...good. "You okay (Y/N)?" Avery asks, glancing at me. "Yeah" I answer back with a smile. Focusing back on the game I notice we've almost won this round. If the enemy team doesn't make it in the room within twenty seconds, we win the game. I hear footsteps to my right. I look in that direction and see none of my team mates over there. "Guys, there's one near the room." I say slightly nervous. "On my way." I hear Bryce say. I then hear footsteps coming from the left and noticed it was Bryce. 'Thank goodness' I was never that good at this game, but Luke and Avery make this game seem like it's nothing at all. I noticed the enemy was in the room so I quickly grabbed a corner and waited. Once he was in sight I shot at him the best I could and somehow landed a head-shot. Everyone cheered and congratulated me on the win. I blushed at all the attention. I've never really been complimented a lot, well by other people at least. ¨Nice job!¨ Bryce says. I blush even more at that. 'Do I...like him?' I look over and notice Avery smiling at her phone. 'Probably texting Luke again.' I thought fondly. 

Avery's pov

From the corner of my eye I notice (Y/N) looking at me. I look up from my messages and speak. ¨Luke and a few others will be in town next week¨ She looked at me confused. ¨What for? And who are the others coming?¨ I smirk lightly. ¨Pax of course! As for who's coming there is going to be Luke, Willow (xXWonderfulWillowXx), most of The Crew, and Bryce.¨ She blushes at the mention of Bryce. 'Called it.' I thought as I received a text from Bryce asking if (Y/N) was going to Pax with me. (I'm not sure where Pax is held so just imagine it's in the town you live in) I looked up at (Y/N) and smiled ¨Want to go to Pax with me?¨

A/N: So sorry for the wait...and the rather short update. I get writer's block very easily. I'll try and update soon. Have a wonderful day/night guys!

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