Meeting Luke With Worries On The Side

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(Y/N)'s pov

¨Want to go to Pax with me?¨

I look at her unsure. ¨Are you sure you want to go with me and not someone else?¨ She laughs and hugs me. ¨I wouldn't want to go with anyone else.¨ I giggle and reply. ¨Besides Luke you mean?¨ She fake glares at me. ¨You offend me so!¨She then dramatically falls back into her desk chair. I laugh as Avery's phone went off. She made a mad dash for it and checked her messages. She then jumps up and dances around the room. ¨What's going on?¨ I asked confused as to what was happening. ¨No time to explain! We gotta go!¨ She grabs me and heads towards her car. 'I'm so confused...but this does seem important to her.' I sit down and put my seat belt on. She starts her car and we were off. She pulled into the...airport? ¨Why are we here Avery?¨ She giggled and answered. ¨Come on we gotta be in there before he lands!¨ I roll my eyes playfully and catch up to the ever hyper Avery. We weren't waiting long at the terminal before the plane we were apparently waiting for landed. Avery looked eagerly through the crowd for someone. 'It must be Luke' I thought to myself. I then hear Avery squeal and take off towards someone. He had dirty blonde/brown hair, brown eyes, and a beard. 'That's Luke alright.' I think as I walk towards the two. Avery notices me and drags Luke over to me. ¨Luke meet my best friend, (Y/N)!¨ Luke holds his hand out and I shake his hand. ¨Nice to finally meet you.¨ He says while smiling at me. I smile slightly ¨Nice to meet you too, Luke.¨ Avery smiles widely at both of us. ¨Come on lets head back to my house.¨ Luke was staying with her until Pax was over, then he would head back home after. ¨Willow will be here later today. I'll be picking her up and taking her to her hotel as well, so it may take a while you guys good to just chill at my place till I'm done?¨ Avery says while driving back to her house. ¨I'm cool with that.¨ I say and look out the window. ¨That's fine.¨ I hear Luke reply. We arrive back at Avery's house and start to head inside, but I noticed it was getting dark and i'd have to head home. ¨I gotta go. I'll see you guys tomorrow.¨ They say their goodbyes and I head home. 

Avery's pov

I watch (Y/N) head home. ¨I'm worried about her Luke¨ He looks at me confused. ¨What for?¨ I sigh and lean against him. ¨Her home life isn't very good, and I'm worried it'll escalate and she'll get hurt...¨ I tear up and hug him. He wraps me in a tight hug. ¨It'll be okay. I'm sure she'll be fine.¨ I bury my face into his shoulder. 'I hope you're right Luke...'

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