Another Step Forward

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Avery's pov

I hold my head, feeling a headache coming. I've been sitting in my living room for hours. Trying to figure out how I can win custody of Jasper. 'I'm nineteen. How the h*ll am I going to win...' I look to my left to see Jasper sleeping soundly on the floor and I smile. It was a new experience for the both of us. Now that I think about it...he doesn't look anything like our 'parents'. 'Weird' I think as I look through websites for lawyers. Then again...this kid would've been born when I was still living at that h*ll house..My eyes widen as I hurridly called child services. 'There's no way...'

(Y/N)'s pov
It's been a few days since PAX and everyone besides Luke and Bryce had gone home. Bryce and I had been hanging out a lot since the incident. We were currently in a park not far from Avery's house, in case she needed us for something. We talked and sat in the lush, green grass. It felt...nice. Amazing even. He was just so...perfect, even with imperfections. We even sung a few songs together, though my singing voice wasn't very good. He assured me it was nice, I just found it hard to believe. (story of my life lol) I took a chance and lay my head on his shoulder. I look up to see him smile and me as he lay his head against mine. I think I'm falling for him. We stay like that for a while till my phone went off. We separate slowly as I pull out my phone from my pocket. "It's Avery." I tell him as I answer. "Hey. What's up?" "You guys need to get here quick!" I look over to Bryce confused as to what she meant. "Whoa whoa slow down. What's going on?" "I've got a d*mn break through that's what's going on! Just get here soon I've got to call Luke real quick. Just...yeah get here soon" She then hangs up. "What was that all about?" Bryce questions. I look up at him. "Apparently something big. She wants us there quick." He nods and we head back to the house. As we're walking I see my mom outside her house. I grow nervous. I then feel Bryce grab my hand. I look up at him with a small blush on my face to see him with one as well and a small, shy smile. I smile as well and lean my head into his shoulder once more. I look ahead to see Luke's car pulling into Avery's driveway. 'What's going on?'

I seem to love cliffhangers lol. Sorry about that. It's been a while since I updated and I wanted to get something out. I hope you've enjoyed. I'll see you all later!

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