Stressful Situation

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(Y/N)'s pov
We enter the house to see a worn out Avery and a worried Luke while Jasper was still asleep on the floor. Avery looks at us and smiles. "Knew you two would get together." I look at her confused. Then I remember I'm still holding Bryce's hand. I blush and so does Bryce but neither of us deny it. "So what exactly did you find?" I hear Luke ask. "Well I noticed that he didn't exactly look like me or 'them'. And the fact that he has brown eyes and both of them have blue eyes. So there is no possible way that Jasper is theirs..." Everyone stood there in a shocked silence. "So...what now..?" I say quietly to the group. Avery sighs and runs her hand through her hair. "A lot more work on my part, but I'm going to make sure this kid is safe and put of harms way." We silently agreed and sat around the living room to give our support as she worked. I, again, lay my head on Bryce's shoulder. Out of the corner of my eye I see Avery smile at us. I feel Bryce kiss the top of my head and I blush.

Avery's pov
'They're so cute together.' I smile at my friends. I could tell this was going to be a long night, but it would at least be tolerable with them here. I called the childcare worker to schedule an appointment. After a long and rather boring conversation with her the appointment was made and I'd have to get Jasper there in two days. :'( hope this works out...'

Luke's pov
I hug Avery close. The stress was really getting to her. I look down at Jasper. He was a sweet kid. Even with all he's been through. I sigh and lay my head on Avery's shoulder. 'Hope this gets settled soon.'

Hey guys. I've felt really bad that I haven't updated this, but I might be putting this on hold for a while. I enjoy writing for this, but I've out of ideas..I'm probably going to focus on my other book. So sorry for this guys...I hope you've enjoyed as always. I'll hopefully see you guys soon.

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