Race Against Time

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Still (Y/N)'s pov

I've been searching around PAX for around half an hour now and I was starting to lose hope. 'She has to be here somewhere...' I was starting to panic. I look to my left to see a familiar black haired girl. She looked terrible. Her eyes were bloodshot and she was visibly shaking, yet no one stopped to help her. I notice the man from earlier close by. 'I've got to get her out of here' My thoughts then drifted to Jasper. 'What will happen if we leave him with those terrible people...?' My mind flashed back to that terrible night that happened only days before. I broke from my thoughts when someone put their hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Bryce standing there looking worried. "Come on. We've got to get her out of here" He said as he started towards Avery. I follow close behind as we slowly approach her. She looks up at us and relaxes a small bit. It didn't last long though. She noticed the man was close and quickly made her way towards us. We walked away at a brisk pace trying not to draw attention to ourselves. I look back to see the man had taken notice of us. He didn't seem to recognise Avery though because he turned his attention to another group of people. We make it back to the auditorium and our friends immediately take notice. Luke especially. He ran over and hugged Avery tightly. "We need to get out of here..." Avery says softly. The small group of friends nod and start walking towards the exit when I notice Jasper walking towards us. Aver took notice and slowly walked towards him. He had tears in his eyes. Avery smiled softly and hugged him close. "Come with us. You'll be much safer than with them" He looked unsure of what to do, but after a minute he nodded and we headed off. Tyler took Willow in his car while Avery, Luke, Jasper, and I went in Avery's car. We met up at Avery's house and say around the living room talking while Jasper and Avery caught up in the kitchen. After a while the two joined us in the living room. "I'll need to talk to a lawyer and childcare services tonight so Jasper won't have to go back with them." Avery explains while the rest of us voice our agreements. 'No telling what this kid went through.'

Jasper's pov

I look around the room at the strangers I've come to know as my older sisters friends and fiance. There was so much to take in. Avery talked of getting a lawyer and calling childcare services. 'What a relief' I think as I let out a shaky sigh. I feel someone hug me softly. I look up to see Avery with her arm over my shoulder while still talking to her friends. 'Maybe this won't be so bad...'

Done lol. This took a few days but it's out now! Also, shout out to my newest follower _Kooky_! I love ya lol. (ima start shouting out to new followers) So yeah....have a good day/night and I'll see you guys soon!

I Will Be Here (Bryce Games x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя