New Surprises

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(Back in present time)

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(Back in present time)

Avery's pov

I laughed and ran around the PAX building with everyone. Well, I was the only one running...Anyway. We were all having a good time and joking around with each other when I noticed the girl from the panel earlier. I don't think she's seen us. 'That's good' I think to myself as I go up to a vendor and see the perfect tee shirt. (Above) I laughed to myself and bought the shirt. After a quick change in a nearby restroom I headed back to the group. Luke and (Y/N) we're the first to notice and they started to laugh. The others then took notice and burst out with laughter, knowing exactly why I bought the shirt. I laughed as well and grabbed onto Luke's hand. He smiled down at me and kissed my forehead. 'It's a good day'

(Y/N) pov

I couldn't help but laugh when I saw Avery's new outfit. The others took notice and soon we were all laughing together. I took a quick glance at Bryce to see him laughing and smiling. 'He has such a nice smile' I thought and blushed. 'Wait...Do I have a crush on him?' I notice Avery was looking at me with a worried look. 'She acts like she's my mom' I laugh softly and smile at her to reassure her that I was fine. She looks unsure but nods anyway. I feel someone staring at me and I look around to she the same girl from the panel. I glance nervously at the group and see that Avery sees her as well. She smiles at me and points to her shirt. I laugh and nod as we continued our tour of PAX. After a while the group starts to complain about being hungry and Avery pipes in. "How about we go and get lunch and the come back?" Everyone agrees and we all go to (Favorite Restaurant) [to lazy to think of one XD] After ordering we all talk about different games and plans after PAX is over. After lunch we decided to hold off on PAX for a little bit and went to a nearby park and walked around. "It's nice out today" I hear Willow say. I nod in agreement. It was a nice sunny day. We had started to get bored and decided to head back to PAX. 'It's a good day' I laugh softly and catch up to everyone.

Yesss. I finally get something out. It's a little shorter than the others but I had a feeling to write and write I did. Anyway thank you so much for reading. I'll try and update soon. Bye guys!

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