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"Finally!" You said as you exited the checkout area. "Hello America! I can't believe it. I'm in New York! ~"

You stopped and took a deep breath. *It's time y/n, it's time to live your own dreams. *

You were a makeup artist and an excellent one at that. Your work was so amazing you were picked out of 100 plus students to work with a well-known entertainment industry in New York. All you had to do was pass their final exam. You picked up your makeup bag and swung it over your right shoulder, then lifted the handle of your pull along. *I'm ready! *

*hmmm, the airports' exit lobby is pretty crowded though*

As you were about take a step forward your phone rang. "Oh! It's Y/B/N"

Y/N: "Hello?"

Y/B/N: "ahh~ Babe! Did you arrive there safely?"

Y/N: "I did! I'm so excited to get started! But I'm a little nervous to be honest. What if they don't like my work?! What if I-"

Y/B/N: "Y/N~ Come on, you got this. Your work is amazing! Why else would they choose you? Don't be nervous okay? You can do it!"

Y/N: "Your right..., Thanks so much for believing in me. I really appreciate your support."

Y/B/N: "It's no problem! Oh, I gotta go. It's pretty late here in Korea and I have work in the Morning. I Love you! Y/N Fighting!"

With that he hangs up.

"Oh, right I should give sis a call!" *the phone rings*

Y/S/N: "Dear Lord! do you know what time it is!??"

Y/N: "And a sweet hello to you too cranky pants."

Y/S/N: "ah! Unnie, it's you! Did you arrive?"

Y/N: "Yeah around fifteen minutes ago. Look I need you to do me a huge fa- "

Just as your speaking to your sister you hear a massive uproar.

Y/S/N: "Y/N! I can't hear you! What's with all the noise?!"

You pushed your index finger in your free ear

Y/N: "Hey! Sis I can't hear you! I'm not sure what's going on! If you can hear me I'm gonna go outside."

Before you could take a step forward someone grabbed you by the arm and pulled you towards the exit

???: "Keep it moving if you don't want to get mobbed!"

Y/N: "What?? Excuse me Sir, but .... what the hell are you doing?!"

The man didn't answer and continues to pull you forward. *Did he not hear me???*

Y/N: "Yah! Let go of my arm!"

The man then releases you and points outside.
???: "Hurry and get in the black van, the others will be there shortly."

Suddenly another man makes his way beside the both of.

Man: "Manager! We are short on security! We have the get the boys out of here quickly!"

You give them both a confused look. Suddenly you heard a deafening scream.

Female fan1: "JIMIN OPPA!!!!!"

Female fan 2: "RAP MONSTER I LOVE YOU!!!!!"


The screams continue

Y/N: "What in the world!!?"

Manager: "Keep Moving!" He pushes you towards the door.

My Little Miss MUA (Jungkook FF)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora