Concealed will be brought to light (Secrets out revised)

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I know i keep apologizing but i have to. It has been rather hard to juggle classes and work and other things plus getting the stories written. I really want to ensure that its a good read so sometimes i feel unsatisfied with my work and began erasing a chapter and starting all over again. 

What i'm about to post is an example of how i change the stories sometimes. Yes it continues but i believe the chapter before to me felt short so i rewrote and added the next chapter to it also. I wont delete the previous one because this is just how my mind works at times XD 

The final chapter will be after this one and i hope to post well. Thank you for reading. Lots of love < 3 

Never did you imagine you had to return to your former work place like this

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Never did you imagine you had to return to your former work place like this.

Sun-hi, without a doubt must have set this whole thing up.

YOU: "Wait on her demands my ass." You spoke as you stood outside the building. "I should have slapped her back at the coffee shop when I had the chance. Damnit."

You decided not to wait on her next text, but instead confront her first.

Taking a deep breath you gripped your cellphone in your hand looking at the picture she sent of you and Jungkook.

YOU: "If this gets out...Jungkook's career will be ruined. I need to find out what she wants and put an end to this childish game."

Holding the handle of the door you could feel your heart beat thumping heavily in your chest. You had no idea what to expect when you step through those doors but onc person that came to mind gave you the push you needed.

YOU: "Jungkook...." With a mention of his name you pulled the door open and stepped through the entrance of your old company.

It was like a wave of whispers hitting your ears; you could hear mourners as your past Co-workers began staring at you in a surprised manner.

Co-worker 1: "Isn't that Y/N? What is she doing here?"

Co-worker: 2: "Oh my gosh! Y/N!"

Co-worker 3: "She's back from New York? I thought she got the job."

Co-worker 4: "Didn't you hear? They fired her because she wasn't as good as they thought."

*That's a new one.* you thought as you walked past them *I wonder if she started that rumor herself too.*

But truthfully; you couldn't care less at this moment. They can go on ahead and stare all they wanted.

You're main and number one concern was to get to Sun-hi and find out what she's really up to.

Turning down the hallway corridor you see a familiar face coming your way and the person stops suddenly in her tracks.

Erica: "Y/N!? W-what are you doing here?"

My Little Miss MUA (Jungkook FF)Where stories live. Discover now