Three is a crowd

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There was no escaping the truth anymore. The facts were indeed there. Both Yoon-gi and Jungkook had feelings for you. Your main concern now was someone might get hurt in the end....maybe both.

Lynn: "This place has the best food! Since my cousin works here we'll get a customer discount as well."

YOU: "Sounds good! This means I can eat even more haha."

Lynn: "That's my girl!" Lynn said as she swung her arm around your shoulders. "Oh, hang on; I think I see my cousin. I'll go say hi. Be right back, okay?"

YOU: "Alright, I'll go to the bathroom to wash my hands. Tell your cousin hi for me!"

Lynn: "Will do!" she replied as she ran off to greet her.


The water was warm yet so soothing against your skin. You tried to act calm in front of Lynn but deep down you were feeling extremely anxious. You gazed upon your reflection in the mirror as water trickled down your cheeks right down to your chin; falling into the sink.

You started reminiscing about the events that happen earlier in the day; unable to believe that you were literally falling for Jungkook. Every time you thought about him you felt butterflies in your stomach. But then you kept thinking about Yoon-gi. How could you have possibly miss those signs? You felt so stupid not to have notice that he too had feelings for you. At the same time he seemed so nonchalant about it. 

Yoongi kept his distance while looking out for you. Suddenly being so kind, always asking if you were okay, yet you didn't take those signs in.

*Could it be I was so caught up with Jungkook that I neglected Yoongi's every move?* You thought to yourself.

You then remembered that Jungkook had texted you earlier in the waiting room before he stormed out. You took your phone from you bag and decided to finally view the messages he had sent.

"You look... really pretty today."


"Did you cry again? Your eyes..., they looked puffy earlier this Morning. Remember, we need to meet later."


Gripping the phone tightly in your hand while letting out a heavy sigh, you decided to head back out to meet up with Lynn.  Grabbing a piece of paper towel and began drying of your face, you hoped to yourself you can compose yourself in front of Lynn. 

But, as soon as you opened the bathroom door your phone began ringing, and the person calling was none other than...


You turn back into the bathroom suddenly feeling nervous.

Your throat immediately felt dry, but your thumb still swiped right and answered the call.

YOU: "Hello...?"

Jungkook: "Hey...where are you right now?" He spoke in a very low tone that literally made your whole body shiver.

*Even his voice gets my heart racing*

YOU: "I'm actually getting something to eat with Lynn. How about you? And why are you whispering?"

Jungkook: "Same, I'm getting some food with my hyungs as well. And...I just wanted to talk to you without being disturbed. So I'm being discreet. Why? Does my whispering in your ear bother you?"

YOU: "No...I didn't say that."

Jungkook: "Then... you like it."

You suddenly feel the hairs on the back of your neck rise up. There was no way you could answer that question.

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