Fated to love you

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A/N: Where do i even begin? Guys, honestly i am so sorry for not posting My lil miss MUA for some time now. I really want to give this story the best. I literally wrote this part three times (Basically i mean i have three different stories written for part 9 alone) But this one felt right. I love all the readers here and i appreciate you all waiting for the next chapter so patiently. I promise i will do my best to give this story a good ending . And also i hope everyone has an amazing week! <3 Keep happy and remember my inbox is always open :) love talking to you all. 

(Whoops! Before I forget, there is some minor adult language in this chapter. My apologies to the younger readers or to anyone that might find it uncomfortable.)

(Y/S/N = Your sisters Name) 

You could hear the squeaks of the wind shield wipers sliding against the window shield of Yoongi's car as he pulled up to your house. You kindly declined his offer to go to his place, but he didn't take no for an answer when he asked to give you a ride home.

The awkward silence was hard to bear for much longer. There were things that you wanted to tell Yoongi but you weren't even sure if it was the right time to do so.

YOU: "...Thank you for taking me home."

Yoongi: "No need to thank me. It was something I wanted to do." He spoke as he gently rubs the steering wheel then directed his gaze towards you. "Are you sure you're okay? I'm still irritated  overwhat they did to you." 

You slowly nodded, not making eye contact with him.

YOU: "I'm really okay. If you hadn't shown up i'd probably beat the crap out of Sun-hi. So...thank you for that."

Yoon-gi let out a soft chuckle as he looks at you.

Yoon-gi: "I didn't pin you as a fighter."

YOU: "Ah, well...with the things I've learned when I was younger; I'd put them to good use whenever I feel it necessary. But if I did do doing something like that to Sun-hi, it would be me thinking irrationally."

Yoon-gi: "...I'm glad you didn't. But if it means anything, I'd get back at them for you."

Turning to look at him, you gave him a smile. 

YOU: "Thanks...for looking out for me." interlocking  your fingers together your began twiddling with your thumb.  "Thanks to you they didn't see me. To them it might have looked like...two persons...kissing..." Your words trailed off your lips as you quickly realized what you just said. 

Yoon-gi sat there quietly then let out a heavy sigh. 

Yoon-gi: "It was my first intention."

Hearing what he had just said; you quickly looked at him. 

Yoon-gi: "...heh...I actually wanted to kiss you. But...how could I?  When your not mine."

 Your breath hitched in your throat unable to answer the man that sat beside you. The next thing you saw was him reaching his hand towards you; pushing stands of hair behind your ear.  He steadily leaned in closer almost hovering over you. 

Tightly shutting your eyes,  ready to turn away; you felt something soft on your forehead.  His lips gently resting against your head, which meant he adored you. Slowly moving away; you felt as if tears were beginning to develop in your eyes, knowing where your feelings for him laid. 

   Your heart pained so much thinking of what to say next, but there was no use in keeping it in any longer.  

YOU: "....Yoongi,...listen... about what you said; I-

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