Stuck in the Middle

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You couldn't believe it. It felt like your world started crumbling apart. What was seriously happening in front of you? Your mind went blank for a few seconds, you weren't even sure If you were still breathing. But you could definitely feel your heart beating heavily; you could feel it all the way up to your head. The next thing you knew, your mind completely snapped

You angrily marched over there, steam practically coming from both ears. You stood in front of them and their gaze both landed on you. Your boyfriend jumped at the sight of you and took a step back

YOU: "Hello Sun-hi, long time no see. Hi Y/B/N, why do you look so surprised to see me?" You said as you punched his shoulder.

Y/B/N: "Y-Y/N! What are you doing here?" He asked nervously.

You scoffed and turned to Sun-hi giving her a solid slap in the face. She fell to the floor and looked up at you with fear in her eyes. You took a customer's piping hot coffee and threw it at your boyfriends face.

He cried out in pain as he knelt down to the ground. You were unapologetic. You were happy to see him were...

???: "Y/N? were....

???: ..Y/N?....."


Lynn: "Y/N!"

You completely snapped back to reality and looked over at Lynn.

Lynn: "I got our orders. Let's grab us a table."

You looked back to your boyfriend and Sun-hi. They were still together, holding hands completely immersed in their own world. You wanted to confront them but you couldn't. You felt paralyzed from the waist down. Your heart began acheing and you could no longer be in the same room with them.

YOU: "I'm sorry Lynn. I.....I don't feel so good. Can we do this another time?"

Lynn: "Uh...Sure, but are you okay? Do you need to see the doctor?"

You shook your head.

YOU: "No...I just really need to go home. I'm sorry!"

You quickly exited the café and made your way across the street. You didn't look back. You just wanted to get out of there!


You've been walking the streets of Seoul for a couple hours now. Your body was moving but you felt completely dead inside. *How could he? ......We've been together for 2 years now and...I don't understand. Is this why Sun-hi stopped talking to me? That little bitch! I should have slapped that smug smile of her face.*

You stopped walking and found out that you were now actually in Hongdae. It wasn't the smartest idea but you needed it now more than ever.


YOU: "Madaaaam! Two more botthlees of sshoju plleease! Oh!.... and another ssserving of spicy rice cakesss." You said slurring your words.

Owner: "Young Miss, I will bring you the rice cakes but I think you've had enough alcohol for one night. I'm seriously worried. Why would you come here to drink so much alone? You already had three bottles."

YOU: "Madaaaaaaammmm....I'm giving you money aren't I?" You shuffled through your purse and pulled out some cash. "Seeeee, more bottle?" You asked holding up two fingers.

Owner: "Aish...this girl. You're getting water instead." She spoke as she walked away.

You picked up your empty soju bottle and turned it up your head. It was dry. You peeked inside the bottle and could vaguely hear music in the background. You listened keenly and could recognize that it was a BTS song, 'Save Me'.

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