The Deal

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A/N: Helllooo!!~~ I am back! I am so sorry everyone but i really had to take a hiatus from the site. I had so much on my plate that i realized that i had to put down writing for a bit and focus on other things that were happening at hand.  And It was ALOT. I'm really happy that i took time there and again to finish the story. It's actually done BUT i cant post it all tonight. It is longer than i expected and i need to proof read before and then post the rest. (Don't worry though, the last parts will not take long to be uploaded. They will be up before you know it. I'm actually working on it now.) Thank you for being so patient with me. I'm feel super happy after the break and feel like i can write well again. Thank you for the kind words and support also! ILY all. ^^ 

A wave of regret began flooding over you.

Tapping your right foot anxiously; you began preparing your words, hoping you can clear this whole situation with the CEO

Before you could even enter the room, the manager told you to sit in the waiting area because he needed to talk to Yoongi first.

Looking at your watch you could see the seconds slowly ticking by as you sat outside the office to meet with Bang Si-hyuk himself.

Having to be told to meet him in a situation like this; you knew things weren't looking up.

YOU: "Things couldn't possibly get any worse." You sat there as you rubbed the temple of your head. "What the hell happening with my life?"

*How understanding will the CEO be?* you thought to yourself while you dipped your head down.

*If I explained the situation to him clearly; would he see it was only a big misunderstanding?*

With your phone in your lap you saw a bright light flash across your screen as it began to ring.

The caller ID was identified as private and the pit of your stomach began to twist in knots.

YOU: "...Who is this?" you answered the call with a raspy voice.

???: "Aww, someone sounds like they were crying. Did you get my little surprise? News sure spreads like wild fire doesn't?"

Clenching your teeth you groaned miserably into the phone.

With a sigh you covered your face, suddenly feeling a headache coming on.

YOU: "Now is not the time. I really can't deal with your shit right now Sun-hi."

Sun-hi: "You sound miserable. Have you gotten fired yet?"

YOU: "UGH! Did you just call to find that out?! I'm ending this call."

Pulling the phone from your ear you could faintly hear her say;

Sun-hi: "Oohh, I wouldn't do that. The picture that's floating around the internet is just a taste of what I plan to do to you today."

You scoffed at her words pulling the phone back to your ear.

YOU: "You're wasting your time. This will get you know where."

Sun-hi: "Maybe so, but it's kind of satisfying to see how the fans are reacting to this photo. I was thinking of even giving them a show...or how about a video?"

Your breath hitched in your throat feeling your cell vibrate against your ear.

YOU: "I'm not in the mood for jokes right now."

Sun-hi: "Silly Y/N, you should know me by now. I never joke. Just check your phone. I think you got a message."

The moment she says that you held your breath hoping she was only spewing lies.

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