Something Unexpected My Lil Miss MUA part 4

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(so sorry for not posting it. Had to post to the readers here :)  Enjoy!~)

Part 4

And here you are! Big Hit Entertainment.

*Okay! So the coin landed on tails. I needed a job! That's what anyone would do, right? It was definitely not in favor of Jungkook! NOPE! Defiantly not!*

If anything you wanted to stay as far away from him as possible. But you knew that couldn't happen you had to work with him whether you liked it or not.


Manager: "Miss Y/N! It's great to see you again." He bowed as he greeted you.

You bowed back and smiled.

YOU: "It's good to see you too! Thank you so much for this opportunity. I promise I won't let you down!"

Manager: "I know you won't. Please follow me; I'll give you a quick tour."

He showed you around the building, from the recording studio to the dance practice room. There were different rooms for specific reasons. It was your first time seeing something like this in person. You would always see it on T.V or web shows.

Manager: "We don't have anything particularly planned for today, but its good you got to see everything beforehand.

He handed you a folder and it was filled with the boy's schedule. Music shows, Radio shows, photo shoots, CF shooting, fan meets, etch.

YOU: "Wow.....don't they get a break?" It was one thing after the other. There was only a day break or two, if lucky.

Manager: "Well....this IS the life of an Idol and also their still promoting. You will be scheduled to work with them on these days along with Lynn." His phone began to ring and he quickly answered it. "Okay, I'll be right there."

"Y/N, I already showed you majority of the company. You can set up in your office and familiarize yourself with everything. Lynn will be here soon." He bowed and then took his leave.

You stood in the hallway as different people walked passed you. Some you recognized from the tour and others were new faces to you. It was a little nerve wrecking but you took a deep breath and nodded.

*Alright Y/N, you can do this!*

You were almost to the office you shared with Lynn when you heard people talking and music from a nearby room.

YOU: "Oh right! That's the practice room." You were kind of curious to see what the commotion was all about so you decided to peek through the door's glass window.

Jimin: "Suga Hyung just admit it. You watched my Vapp last night didn't you!"

Yoon-gi: "Yah, I told you already. I had better things to do."

Hoseok: "Like what?"

Yoon-gi: "Sleep."

Jin: "He's lying. He was watching it. I saw you!"

Tae: "Wahh~ Suga hyung, don't be like that. Just tell him the truth."

Yoon-gi: "If you all ask me again, I will make the rest of your day miserable."

Namjoon: "Are you sure? That's going to be a lot of work."

Yoon-gi: "......aish! Why don't you all go play or something."

Jungkook: "Ah..~ Suga hyung. I saw you watching my videos too. I felt so special."

Yoon-gi: "Heeyy~~ Only Holly gets special treatment these days."

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