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In a world where beings called Sirens dwell, Sirienia (Sigh-reen-ē-ah), Sirens are born with one of 3 abilities or powers. The three powers are Plant, Water, and Fire. To use these powers, a Siren must sing a song, using that energy created by the song to channel their power into a physical form that they can control. Young Sirens do not have much control over their power wether they sing or not but as a Siren gets older, singing is almost always required in order to summon their power. When singing, a Siren will always summon some amount of their power wether they wanted to or not.

The Sirens' Sing Off:
In the world of Sirens, there is a grand competition called The Sirens' Sing Off which is held once every five years. Sirens from all over the world gather in the nation of Gangel (G-angel) for a week long tournament. Sirens sing against each other and use their powers to make a beautiful display while singing to impress the judges, which are the three main rulers of Gangel. The tournament has three categories for each power; Plant, Water, and Fire. One by one, contestants are eliminated until there are only three, one Siren from each category. Then, the three sing their final song and do their final display. The judges then pick one from the three and decide a winner. The winner then gets to pick one of three prizes; one, get a jewelry/ clothing item that can enhance that Sirens powers, two, get a crap ton of money, or three, have a chance to join the National Sirens' Choir.

Nations of Sirienia:
There are 5 nations in the world of Sirienia; Gangel, Matopi (Mah-toe-pee), Finn, Fortopia (For-toe-pee-ah), and Burnberg (Burn-berg). Gangel is the nation where most important events are held. Matopi is where the most smartest minds go to advance society and make a better future for Siren kind. Finn is where the Water Sirens first originated and is now covered in tons of cities with waterways (kinda like Italy). Fortopia is where the Plant Sirens first originated and is still covered in forests with small villages scattered throughout the giant forest. And finally, Burnberg is where the Fire Sirens first originated and has not too many but a lot of stone cities that had been standing for quite some years; the land is also covered in lava geysers outside of the cities. Each nation has three main rulers, each being one of the three types. Most of the time, after the one of the rulers is ready to retire, they will just pick an heir to their position. But other times, a ruler might sometimes hold a tournament of some sort since they might not have an heir they'd pick to take their place.

National Sirens' Choir:
The NSC is group of Sirens that actually don't sing for enjoyment but rather, they are a special task force, kind of like a mini army. They are a law above the police and they take care of any terrorists or threats to society and the innocent Sirens in it.

In Elementary, Sirens learn about their powers, how to control them, and singing. In Junior High, Sirens learn more about academic things and a little more about their powers. In High School, Sirens learn about what they see fitting to their future; High School is not required in this world. College does not exist but when Sirens want to learn more, they usually go to Matopi to study.

Note: That's all the basic things of the world of the Sirens! But there will be more information to come along the way!

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