Chapter 8

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It was your regular, average sunny Sunday. Mr. Flame and Ignis were on their way to Marcus' apartment. Mr. Flame said as he drove, "Ignis, you remember what I told you, right?" Ignis groaned and said, slightly annoyed, "Yes, Dad! This is, like, the 15th time you've asked me! And I already told you, I'm not going to misbehave!" Mr. Flame let out a little chuckle and said, "Just checking." Ignis pouted and said, "Well, stop it." Mr. Flame said, "If you say so, sweet heart."

They pulled up in the parking lot of Marcus' apartment building, parking the car. They both got out of the car and walked up the stairs to Marcus' apartment door. Just before Mr. Flame could knock, he said, "Oh, shoot! I forgot the shirt I was gonna give him! Imma run back and go get it." Ignis sighed with relief and said, "Okay, let's go." Mr. Flame shook his head and said, "No. I'LL go. You knock and go inside. I'll be back in 15 minutes tops." Ignis got wide eyes and said, "Hell no! There's no way in the firey pits I'm going in there with HIM by myself!"

Mr. Flame said, "You'll be fine. Just remember what I told you and everything will work out. See ya in a few." Ignis groaned as his dad walked down the stairs and went to the car, getting inside and driving away. Ignis huffed, blowing some of his hair out of his face. He turned back to the door, making a poker face. "Oh man. Fuck, I canNOT do this." Ignis exhaled, thinking, "Okay. You can do this. Positive thoughts, like dad said. Breath." Ignis reached for the door knob but suddenly stopped.

Faintly, Ignis could hear a male voice singing just beyond the door. Ignis blinked with shock; he had thought so surely that Marcus hadn't liked singing, there must've been someone else inside with him. Ignis was still unsure, so he wondered over to the window just next to the door. But, sadly, the blinds were drawn. Ignis groaned and said, "Agh! This is stupid. Why would I want to see him singing anyway?! If it even IS him." But, suddenly, Ignis caught a glimpse through a small space between the end of the blinds and the window sill.

Ignis pressed his face against the wall and glass to get a better look and the one singing was, in fact, Marcus. Ignis watched and listened ever so carefully, watching Marcus' lips move gently and delicately. "I'm tired of waking up in tears. 'Cause I can't put to bed these phobias and fears. I'm new to this grief, I can't explain. But I'm no stranger to the heartache and the pain." Suddenly, water strands began to form in the air around Marcus, Ignis watching in awe.

Marcus continued, "The fire I began is burning me alive. But I know better than to leave and let it die!" Marcus turned away from the window, Ignis unable to see his face. Ignis felt a pang of disappointment hit him but he didn't even notice it. Marcus sang, "I'm a silhouette! Askin' every now and then, 'Is it over yet? Will I ever feel again?' I'm a silhouette! Chasing rainbows on my own. But the more I try to move on, the more I feel alone. So I watch the summer stars to lead me home. I watch the summer stars to lead me home."

Ignis blinked and he suddenly felt tears running down his face. Ignis backed away from the window, using his sleeve to wipe away his tears and snot. Ignis felt himself starting to get angry, "Why the hell did I start crying because of HIM?!" He thought, "That man can't ever make me cry!" Ignis groaned, a voice in the back of his head saying, "But he did." Suddenly, Ignis saw a bright light pouring out from the cracks of the blinds. Ignis looked back through the crack but it was too bright to see anything. So, Ignis being Ignis, did the most rational thing he could think of; he opened the front door.

The door was surprisingly unlocked, which Ignis thought was a robbery hazard but then again, Marcus was expecting them, wasn't he? Ignis pushed the door opened and looked around. All he could make out through the bright light was Marcus' silhouette. Ignis shouted, "Marcus?!" Marcus turned his head and shouted, "Ignis! Where's your dad?!" Ignis said, "He went back to get something! What's going on?! What're you doing?!" Marcus shouted, now sounding worried, "I don't know! I was singing and suddenly my magic started piling together and then it started glowing!"

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