Chapter 12

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A few days had passed and before anyone knew it, it was Friday. Both Marcus and Ignis sat on the couch, waiting for Mr. Flame to get off of work. The tv was on but it was really just background noise, both Sirens not really paying any attention to it. Marcus stared out the window, blinds up. Ignis was just looking around the living room, observing the objects and decor. It was quiet between the two.

Ignis suddenly broke the silence as he stared out the window, saying, "So..." Then, another silence followed. Marcus looked over at Ignis, who was facing away from him, and said, "'So' what?" Ignis turned to face Marcus, almost looking startled that Marcus was facing him but tried not to show it, failing miserably. Ignis said, leaning away from Marcus a bit with a light blush, "I don't know, I just wanted to break the silence. It's... uncomfortable." Marcus chuckled and said, "Tell me about it."

Then, another silence followed. Ignis suddenly stood and shouted, "Gosh damn it! I'm bored!" Marcus stood as well but in alarm and said, "Ignis! Would you be quiet?! I have neighbors, you know!" Ignis flinched only slightly and said much more calmly, "Oh. Right. Sorry." Marcus sighed and said, "It's okay, I understand what you mean. I'm bored, too." Marcus looked down at the remote that sat on the couch arm, thinking. Marcus grabbed it and then changed the channel to a certain station he knew well.

Then, the voice of a famous Siren filled the room as one of her hit songs played, "Heart's Catching Fire." Ignis blushed and said, "Crystal Flare?" Marcus nodded. Then, Ignis asked, "How do you even have music on your tv?!" Marcus said, "Came with the cable box." Ignis chuckled with a bright smile on his face, covering his mouth with his hand but barely trying. Marcus looked at Ignis and chuckled as well. Then, Marcus reached his hand to Ignis and Ignis stopped, looking at the offering.

Marcus asked, "Wanna dance?" Ignis blinked a few times, slightly shocked. He stuttered, "Oh, u- uh-" Marcus sighed with a playful smile and quickly grabbed one of Ignis' hands. Then, Marcus pulled Ignis in, Ignis bumping into Marcus' chest. Then, Marcus put his hands on Ignis' hips and began to sway. Ignis followed lead and put his arms around Marcus' neck. They looked into each others' eyes, blushing. Then, the singer, Crystal, sang, "I look into your eyes and I know you're the one. Without you, it just isn't fun."

Ignis felt shock run through him as he realized the situation they were in; Marcus, not even inches away from Ignis' face, was so close now and they were both blushing, gazing into one another eyes. Ignis suddenly took his arms back, using them to shove away Marcus. Marcus stumbled back and looked at Ignis in shock. Ignis was now a complete blushing mess, looking down at the floor, hair hiding his eyes. Marcus went from confused to worried and asked, "Ignis, are you okay?" Ignis, at first, said nothing.

Marcus stepped a bit forward cautiously, causing Ignis to snap out of it and shout, "I'm sorry, I need to go!" Then, as if in a flash, Ignis rushed out the front door and he was gone. Marcus blinked, standing straight and staring at the now open door Ignis had just ran through. Marcus mumbled, "He left his stuff here..."

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