Chapter 9

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All was dark, nothing to be seen at all. Then, suddenly, Ignis found himself laying down on Marcus' couch, Marcus on top of him. Ignis blushed and tried to cover his face, Marcus grabbing his wrist and pinning it to the couch arm above Ignis. Ignis looked up to Marcus, waiting. Marcus leaned forward, his beanie, sunglasses, and shirt suddenly disappearing. Marcus' long hair fell along his back and some over his shoulder. He leaned closer to Ignis' face and then kissed the fire Siren's cheek, causing Ignis to blush more.

Marcus began to kiss and suck around Ignis' neck, making Ignis squirm under the larger man. Then Marcus came back to Ignis, leaning next to his ear. Then, suddenly, Marcus yelled with Mr. Flame's voice, "IGNIS! WAKE UP! TIME FOR SCHOOL!" Ignis shot up from his bed and yelled, "Ahhh!! What that fuck was that?!" Then, all was quiet as the two men sat in confusion, blinking. Then, Mr. Flame said, "Ehh. W- well, wake up, Ignis. Your alarm's been going off." Ignis was a blushing mess and he stuttered, "O- oh. O- okay, D- Dad. S- sorry."

Ignis got up and Mr. Flame left, shutting the door. Ignis did his usual routine and then grabbed his bag, setting out for his bus stop. And, as always, there was Joshua, just walking out of his house. Ignis was 110% sure that Joshua had been doing this on purpose for the past 20 years or so. Joshua walked beside Ignis, saying, "Woah! What a coincidence! Ignis, my best pal!" Ignis groaned and said, "Not today, Josh. I'm not in the mood." Joshua looked worried and asked, "Why? What happened?"

Ignis blushed a bit harder and said, "N- none of your business." Joshua took notice of Ignis' blush and said, "Ooohhh! Does someone have a crush?!" Ignis blushed even harder and shouted, "AS IF! I'D NEVER HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE LIKE HIM!!!" Joshua chuckled and smirked, saying, "Ah. So, it's a guy, eh?" Ignis shouted, "Josh, shut up!" They made it to the bus stop and Ignis grouchily sat down, arms crossed and a frown on his face. Joshua was smiling jokingly and stood next to Ignis. Soon enough, the bus arrived and everyone boarded, the bus now heading for the high school.

Almost as soon as everyone had gotten off, the ground suddenly rattled and some came from the school. Teachers were running out, shouting, "No school for this week! No school!" Joshua still stood next to Ignis. He asked, "What do you think happened?" Ignis said, annoyed, "How would I know?!" Ignis looked back at the school and said more calmly, "But by the looks of it, it looks like something blew up." Joshua said, "You're probably right. I'll go ask a teacher." Ignis said, "Yeah, you do that." Then, as soon as Joshua ran off, Ignis ran off down the side walk.

Ignis' house wasn't very far, just a half hour walk and his dad was at work; he wasn't gonna pull his dad out of work within a week's timespan. Ignis soon stopped running and was just walking now. Finally, Ignis reached his front door and used his spare key to unlock the front door. He went inside and put his bag back in his room, laying down on the living room couch and falling asleep. Ignis was rudely awoken by his father, shouting, "Ignis! Wake up!" Ignis sat up and said, "Yes, Dad?"

Mr. Flame said, "I heard about what happened at the school! Are you okay?! Were you hurt?!" Ignis said, "I'm fine, Dad. I wasn't even in the building before the explosion." Mr. Flame exhaled and said, "Well, that's a relief." Then, Mr. Flame said, "Hey, what about that Joshua Rainfall kid? He okay?" Ignis nodded and said, "Who even cares about him anyway?" Mr. Flame chuckled and said, "Well, his parents care about him, his friends do too. And, I bet, you do too somewhere inside you." Ignis scoffed and said, "As if I care for that nosy know-it-all."

Mr. Flame scoffed and said, "Well, I can't have you home by yourself all alone so you're going to stay with Marcus for the week." Ignis blushed slightly and said, "What?! But, Dad! You know that me and that guy can't STAND each other! And besides, you let me stay home alone before." Mr. Flame said, "Well, that was different; I didn't ask Marcus if you could go over to his house. But this time, I did and he said he'd be happy to have you over." Ignis scoffed and crossed his arms, saying while pouting, "You're lying. I bet you had to FORCE him to take me."

Mr. Flame chuckled and said, "Why, you know me so well, son." Mr. Flame stepped back a bit and said, "Well, you're going anyway, whether you like it or not." Ignis groaned and said, "Dad, you are SO difficult." Mr. Flame turned around, grabbing Ignis' nose and saying with a smirk, "Like father, like son." Ignis said, "Ow! Let go!" Mr. Flame chuckled and released his son. Ignis rubbed his nose and said, "I guess I'll go pack my stuff." Mr. Flame smiled happily and said, "That's a good boy." Ignis groaned and said, "Don't treat me like a Dogg."

(Doggs are literally just like dogs in the human world except for the fact that they aren't usually inside pets because their fur sheds too much too fast.)

After several hours passed, they had pulled in to Marcus' apartment building parking lot once again. Ignis groaned, opening the car door and dragging his suitcase with him. As Mr. Flame walked with Ignis up the stairs, Ignis asked, "But do I really HAVE to stay at this jerk's house of all houses?" Mr. Flame said, "Well, you could stay with the Rainfalls." Ignis said quickly, "Never mind. This is fine." They reached the door and Mr. Flame rung the doorbell. They waited a bit before Marcus opened the door.

Marcus said with a smile, "Hey, Mr. Flame." Then he looked over at Ignis, his expression changing to that of a disappointed one. He said flatly, "Ignis." Ignis gave the same expression back, saying, "Marcus." Mr. Flame hugged Ignis and said, "Have fun, you two!" Then, the man proceeded to walk down the stairs, get in his car, and drive away. The two opposite Sirens now stared at each other in silence. Then, Marcus stepped aside and said, "Come on in." Ignis gritted his teeth as he stepped in, saying, "Thanks."

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