The Beginning

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There was only darkness until, suddenly, there was light. And that light began to create; she created a planet known as Sirienia. The darkness did not like this. The light then gave the planet life; plants that thrived and animals that roamed. But she knew something was missing; she then finally created the three types of beings known as Sirens to shape the planet and dwell its lands. The darkness did not like the light's actions and he was angered.

But he could do nothing; darkness could not beat light, at least, not alone.

Sirienia thrived and the light relished in its success. Many years after the planet's creation, the light took interest in a particular Siren, a fire Siren named Fi. Lux took form of a Siren but not of any type but light. She knew that, at night, the Siren traveled into the woods to get fire wood. So, she met him there, the fire Siren seeing the light's beauty and falling madly in love. He asked for her name and she called herself Lux. They continued to meet each other in the forest until they decided to create a child.

Lux decided that she'd stay with Fi and the baby in a log cabin; the family of three were happy together. But the darkness, now deciding to call himself Tenebris, was enraged that Lux could just abandon her duty as a goddess all for a mortal. So, he decided to visit her in the night to confront her. Lux sensed his approach and quickly left the house in fear that he would do something horrible to her lover and her child if he found them. They met in the middle of the forest, where a meadow laid.

Tenebris shouted with a booming voice that broke the sky into thunder and lightening, "How dare you abandon your job as a goddess for a mere mortal! You're being irresponsible!" Lux spoke sweetly to her brother, "Teny, don't be so prude. Everyone deserves to enjoy their lives, and so should you." Tenebris rolled his eyes and shouted again, "Don't call me such a thing! And we are GODS! We have responsibilities greater than all the lives of these mortals!"

Lux suddenly grew with rage and shouted, causing the lightening to strike the planet for the first time ever, "How dare you! I created these beautiful, sentient creatures with my own hands!" Lux's long, glowing hair began to swirl in the air as she continued to shout, "I just want to be happy! Sitting up there and just working all the time is tedious and boring! Don't you want to be happy, too?" Tenebris began to feel guilt as he saw his sister's rage grow, her nearly reverting back to her light form. He spoke calmly, "Sister, I want what's best for you."

"You know what will happen if that child grows old and passes on; you'll die!" Lux began to calm down as she saw the fear and sadness in Tenebris' expression. Lux attempted to speak, "Teny, I-" "I can't do this by myself!" Tenebris suddenly spoke in a saddened, "I... Without you, there is no balance. If there's no balance, there is no life. Don't you understand that?" Lux began to feel guilty as well, but she couldn't just give up everything she had already done. Lux spoke, "Tenebris, I can't go back now even if I wanted to. I have a child! And a man who loves me."

Tenebris fell silent, backing away from Lux with his head now bowed. Tenebris spoke in a sinister voice, "Fine, but your lover or child will not last long." Then, he pointed out in the direction of a large forest fire that had started because of the lightening that had hit the trees before. Lux turned in the direction Tenebris pointed at and quickly realized what he meant. She turned into a ball of light and quickly dashed off toward the direction of her lover's cabin.

She arrived swiftly but the cabin was already in cinders, the fire raging at extreme temperatures. But, since Lux was a goddess, she remained unharmed by the fire that roared around her. She took Siren form and ran into the cabin, frantically looking for her lover and her child. Then, she gasped in pain as she saw that Fi had been crushed by a fallen log. Tears came to her eyes but she still had hope for her child. She searched and finally found the child in a burning crib. She took notice of how the child was not being burned or harmed.

She quickly took the child out of the burning house and far from the fire. She then caused the clouds to rain heavily upon the fire, putting it out and then seizing the rain. A rainbow spread across the cleared sky that now appeared to reveal that it was early morning. Lux held her child close to her chest, hope filling her insides at the sight of the multicolored light spectacle. She sighed as if a weight was lifted from her shoulders and then spoke to her baby, "It's going to be okay, honey. You're going to be something great, I just know it."

Then, suddenly, Lux sensed Tenebris' presence and turned around to see her brother. Tenebris asked, "So, it survived?" Lux remained calm and said, "Please, Tenebris, could you leave me be? I promise we will meet again before I die." Tenebris felt regret, trying to speak, "Sister, I'm s-" "PLEASE!... Just leave..." Tenebris did as he was told, leaving his sister on the mortal planet. Lux sighed, wishing she hadn't yelled at her brother but glad that he was gone.

Lux looked down at her baby once again and spoke softly, "Now, let's find somewhere new to live." Lux then disguised herself as a fire Siren and took the child to civilization, raising the baby.

Many years later, after Lux's child grew and found a lover of their own and they grew old together, Lux went to visit her brother. Tenebris said as Lux stood before him, "Long time, no see, sister. You haven't changed at all." Lux was now in light form and she spoke, "Brother, my child is going to pass soon." Tenebris was unfazed as he said, "I figured. You know, since you despise me and you don't want to see me." Lux felt a horrid feeling rise in her and then she spoke, "No, Teny, I never meant-" Tenebris suddenly interrupted, "Please, LUX..."

"Just let me feel anger so I do not have to feel..." Tenebris then fell silent, bowing his head. Lux then suddenly ran to her brother and hugged him, saying, "I'm sorry, brother. I never meant to hurt you. I hope you live a happy immortality." Then, she broke away into tiny specks of light until she was completely gone. Then, and only then, was the first time Tenebris cried. And on that day in the mortal world, Sirienia's main continent broke into seven separate continents.

Or, at least, that's what's in the history books.

(This is just some history info, nothing too vital to the present story. Except maybe it is? Who knows.)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2017 ⏰

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