Chapter 11

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The next morning, Ignis opened his eyes slowly. At first, everything felt off; his bed was too big, there was no alarm going off, his dad hasn't come to wake him. But then, it clicked; Ignis wasn't at his house and he wasn't in his bed, he was at Marcus' house in Marcus' bed. Well, Marcus' apartment anyway. Ignis slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes. He then yawned and stretched up; that was the most peaceful sleep he's had in a while. Ignis lifted the comforter and got out of the bed.

He went to the door and just before he could open it, Ignis began to smell food. Ignis thought, "Marcus is probably up cooking breakfast. He does live alone after all and has to cook for himself." Ignis opened the door and went out, going to the kitchen and finding Marcus making eggs. Marcus looked over at the bed headed Siren and said, "Morning, bed head." Ignis groaned and said, "Shh. I'm not in the mood right now." Marcus chuckled lightly and said, "Okay, mister sleepy head."

Ignis sat down at the small table in the little dining area. Ignis asked, "Do I get any food?" Marcus chuckled and said, "Yeah, of course." Ignis smiled a bit and put his head down on the table, falling asleep almost instantly. Then, Ignis heard something be put on the table, causing him to jolt up. Marcus said, "Food's ready." Ignis said, "Coulda woke me first." Marcus said with a grin, "I thought it'd be funnier to do it this way." Ignis growled and said, "Jerk." Marcus only chuckled and handed Ignis his plate.

Ignis took the plate and murmured, "Thank you..." Then, Marcus took a seat and the two began to eat. When they finished, Ignis began to grab the dishes and Marcus asked, "Ignis, what're you doing?" Ignis said, "Its only fair that I cleaned since you cooked. And besides, I don't really know how to cook since Dad always does it." Marcus shrugged and said, "Aw well. Less work for me." Ignis just scoffed and took the dishes to the sink, washing them and putting them on the drying rack. Then, Ignis looked around, not seeing Marcus anywhere.

Ignis shouted, "Where'd you go?!" Marcus shouted back, "I'm getting dressed in my room!" Ignis shouted back, "Oh! Okay!" Then, he went to the couch and sat down, turning on the tv and changing the channel. After a little while of that and Marcus came to join him. Marcus sat down on the couch and asked, "Whatcha watchin'?" Ignis shrugged and said, "Whatever's on." Marcus nodded, leaning back to relax, saying, "Oh. Okay. Cool." For the next few hours all they did was watched whatever caught their eyes.

Then, as they were channel surfing, Ignis asked, "Don't you have a job or something to get to?" Marcus said, "They let me off on vacay for a week." Ignis was silent for a second before saying, "Oh, okay." Then, they were back to channel surfing.

Eventually, while Marcus had the remote, he heard a soft snore. He looked over and saw that Ignis had his hand on his cheek, elbow on the couch arm, and was fast asleep. Marcus chuckled, turning back to the tv but then suddenly hearing Ignis squirming. He looked back over; Ignis face looked scrunched and dissatisfied, like he was having a nightmare. Marcus frowned and decided that Ignis should lay down on a bed. Marcus put the remote down and carefully grabbed Ignis bridal style, carrying him to Marcus' room.

Marcus moved the covers and laid Ignis down, covering up the sleeping Siren after. Ignis instantly cuddled into the pillows and comforter, seeming to be at peace again in his dreams. Marcus chuckled once again and left the room, closing the door.

The SirensOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant