Chapter 2

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Marcus sat in a waiting room next to his closest friend, Rencei. Rencei said, "Dude, this is taking for-fucking-ever." Marcus said, "Keep it down, Ren, if they here you saying shit like that I won't get this job." Suddenly, the lady at the counter said, "Mr. Ma'an!" Rencei said, "Goodluck, dude." Marcus stood up and said, "Thanks. I'll need it." Marcus walked up to the counter and the lady said, "Door to the right, sir." Marcus nodded and said, "Thanks." He walked to the right door and it opened automatically, nothing really surprising to him.

Marcus walked in and a man walked up to him, hair bright green and eyes brown. The man said, "Hello, sir. My name is Rodney Leafstorm. I'll be your tour guide to our facility." Marcus said, "Oh. My names Marcus. Marcus Ma'an." Rodney nodded and said, "Yes, I have your application right here, sir." Marcus nodded. Rodney turned and began walking, Marcus following behind him. Rodney began, "Our facility has been open for almost 15 years, starting with our founder, Mr. Jared McWaitrin."

They walked into a room that had Memphs, sheep like creatures with long, fluffy tails, inside behind gates. There were also a few people sheeting the Memphs behind the gates. Rodney said, "These Memphs are what we use to make our clothing. We sheer them carefully and delicately to make sure to not hurt them. But, of course, we do not sheer their tails. The tails are extremely too sensitive to even nick a small piece of wool off." Marcus nodded and said to himself, "Yeah, everyone knows that." They walked out and went into another room were the wool was being processed into cloth.

Rodney said, "And this is the room where we take the wool that had been freshly cut, and we process it into clothing." They quickly walked out and went to another room, a ton of people sitting behind sewing machines. Rodney said, "And this is where we hand sew all the clothing we make." They walked out and into the final room. There were truck bays and machines packaging the clothing that was previously made. Rodney said, "And this is where we package the clothes and ship them off to our supporting stores."

They walked out of the room and Rodney asked, "Any questions?" Marcus shook his head and said, "No, not really." Rodney nodded and he said, "Then, we'll begin the interview." Rodney walked to a giant room with hundreds or more cubicles. Rodney walked into his cubicle and sat in his office chair. Rodney pointed to a stool and said, "Have a seat, Mr. Ma'an." Marcus thought, "Oh, this is just gonna be fun."

An hour had passed and Marcus finally came back into the waiting room where Rencei sat, waiting. Rencei stood up as Marcus walked over to him, asking, "So, how'd it go?" Marcus said, "They said they'd contact me in less than 2 weeks." Rencei said, "All right! Well, there's something to look forward to!" Marcus said, "Yeah, of I actually get the job." They began to walk out of the building, Rencei asking, "So, what job position did you sign up for?" Marcus said, "Sheerer. It doesn't look very hard and you get 7 syes an hour."

Rencei said, "Well, that's fairly good, I guess." They got outside and went to Marcus' car. They got in, Marcus driving and Rencei in the passenger. Rencei asked, "So, what'd they ask you during the interview?" Marcus shook his head and said, "The usual shit." Rencei said, "They ask about the bandages?" Marcus started up the car and pulled out of the parking lot, heading to Rencei's hotel. Marcus nodded, but remained silent. Rencei said, "They always do..." They remained silent until they got to the hotel Rencei was staying at.

Marcus parked and asked, "When're you heading back to Fortopia?" Rencei shrugged and said, "I don't know. Whenever my parents want me back, I guess. Or maybe by the end of the break." Marcus said, "You still in high school?" Rencei nodded and said, "Yeah, my parents wanted me to go. I told them as long as I could crash with them, I'd go." Marcus nodded and chuckled, saying, "Haha! Yeah. I bet their the ones that paid for the trip over here, huh?" Rencei chuckled and said, "Yeah they were. They're paying for the hotel too."

They both laughed for a while. Then, they calmed down. Rencei said, "Welp, I'm gonna go inside. Wanna chill?" Marcus shook his head and said, "Nah, I'm gonna head home." Rencei opened the car door and said, "Suit yourself." Marcus said, "Bye!" Rencei said, "See ya!" Rencei closed the door and went inside the hotel. Marcus pulled out of the parking lot and headed for his apartment.

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