Must Of Blacked Out Or Something~ 2

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A/n my friend (who gave me the idea) asked me to make more of this so here's the next one. I also realised Jenna and you didn't finish the phone call 😂

"Y/N! Are you okay?"
"Yea, yea must of blacked out or something"
"So you didn't here what I said then?"
"No, what did you say?"
"Me and Tyler are going out for a meal soon, we think you should tag along, somebody new is gonna be there, is that okay?"
"Yea sure, is it somewhere fancy though? You know I don't do fancy," that's true, every time I tried to eat something as simple as cereal I spill it down my self, I've started saying I have two left feet, (no offence if you actually have two left feet) I'll just be walking down a corridor then suddenly, whoosh, I'm on the floor.
"No, no I know your policy on fancy places it's literally a pizza place round the corner from me," she explained laughing all the while.
"Okay sure!" I was genuinely excited.
"Okay, Friday 6:00pm be ready, ya goof!"
"Will do, bye!"
5:00am, why did she decide to ring me at that time. I climbed back in bed and continued my deep sleep.

4 hours later

Shocking. I didn't wake up at 12. I peeled the sheets off my sweaty body. Jeez, I really need to open my window when I go to sleep. Slowly, I forced myself downstairs to the kitchen, where my only love was, the fridge. I pulled out some milk, got a bowl and cereal out of a cupboard, I threw them all in a bowl and sat at my kitchen table.
Aghhaghajekdiw. I forgot a spoon and my phone. After collecting the necessary things to complete eating. I decided to tidy.

5 hours later

Once I'd finished I relaxed on the couch. 3:45pm okay, wait it's Friday today. Oh god I need to get ready. Jens gonna be in so much trouble for saying Friday instead of today (because she told you at 5:00am on Friday, I don't know if I make myself clear)
I ran upstairs threw on some make up, not a lot though, like who was I trying to impress. I chucked on a TØP top and some jeans, if you didn't know already Tyler is in TØP and he's amazing, josh is in it, he plays the drums he's just as good.
I rang up Jen at screamed at her telling her she almost gave me a heart attack but I forgave her. 5:40 they'll be here soon tho

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