I Recognize You~ 4

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I couldn't believe it, it was him. The guy I spilt so many drinks on, the guy I fell into so many times. He, he was the mystery person.
"Jen, why is he there?"
"Oh, I decided to ask him to tag along, seen as though it's always us three. I thought it would make it more fun," Tyler explained.
"Thank you Tyler but did I ask you, Jen why is he here?" I questioned once more, this time in a more serious tone.
"I know what happened between you two, but things have changed. Your not as clumsy and he barely remembers you. Think of it as a?....a?....."
"A new start," Tyler pitched in, pointing his finger to the sky as if he'd invented the phrase.
"Okay, okay, but if it doesn't work out this time he's never joining again, got it?"
We all stepped out the car in unison, I looked Jenna up and down, oh jeez, I feel under dressed to be honest. Even though it's a pizza place she still did her hair, put on makeup and a nice dress. We all made our way over to Josh and said our hellos, once we finished our short conversation we made our way into the building.
Jen and Tyler went away for a bit to order, I sat impatiently waiting for them to come back, as I felt Josh 's eyes burning holes in the back of my head.
"I recognize you," I pretends as if I didn't hear an continued to wait, "I'm sure we've met," he was getting persistent at this point, so I answered him.
"I don't believe we have, all I know about you is your Tyler's friend an your in twenty one pilots"
"Same for you," he replied with a slight grin on his face, " except your not in twenty one pilots," he gave a slight laugh at this, as I was trying to hide my own. He is funny.
Jen and Tyler made their way back, "they said the pizza will be ready in a minute, we'll just have to wait," Jen informed us.

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