He Really Had Found Me~ 9

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THIS IS IMPORTANT! Slight trigger warning; mention of physical abuse and sexual abuse, please skip to the end of this chapter if any of this triggers you, you've been warned.

All the way home it felt like eyes were
following me, footsteps were audible behind me, I turned round panicking, "Y/N is only me, josh" thank god.
I counted all the way to ten trying to calm my breathing, I couldn't believe he was here. Cautiously, I lay down on my bed, "Y/N? What was that about?"
Oh god no! I have to explain to him, I have to tell him what that monster did to me.
"Its okay, just breathe and tell me in your own time."


We was like that for a good 10 minutes, Josh helped soothe my breathing, bringing it down to a normal pace. "Okay do you want to tell me what happened now?" I gulped and began to slowly pour out every last thing, Steve, or that monster as I like to call him had done to me.
"It all started when I was in a relationship with this boy, it was a sweet one to say the least. But everything started to take a turn when he hung around with his 'gang' probably off drinking or smoking, he came back and needed to..... let off steam. So he used to beat me, until one day I stood up for myself and he did something much worse," I crossed my legs tightly together just thinking about it.
Oh no, oh lord. He really had found me.
"Y/N, wait here," I can't let him go.
"No Josh, let me come with you, please."
"Don't get yourself hurt whatever you do."
"Okay Josh."
He grabbed my hand and gently pulled me to my feet and then out the door. Cautiously, we stepped into the living room, until my grip on Josh got tighter and I pulled him back. "Josh that's him," loosening my grip on Josh I fell onto the floor, holding my head in my hands, tears streamed down my face.
"Okay Y/N, wait here don't go anywhere," he left me, after squeezing me into a tight hug.

Word count: 374
Sorry I didn't post a chapter yesterday, it was my mum birthday meal and I had to go, then I went round my nans and I thought it would be rude to go on my phone their.

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