Promise~ 18

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Okay so we are back in normal time and PoV.

Silence was all that could be heard at this moment, I had stopped crying but I hadn't stopped thinking. Thinking about all of those evil comments, until my thoughts were stopped abruptly by a loud knock. Great, Josh is here, I wiped my eyes and stood up from my couch so I could answer the door. Slowly, I turned the door knob allowing Josh to see me, as much as I didn't want to, I had no choice. Abruptly, he dropped everything to hug me tightly, eventually he let me out of his tight embrace, to be met with his worried face, "Y/N, are okay?" his voice was calm and soothing, "come and sit down, tell me what's wrong?" he me dragged over to the couch, I lay down whilst Josh got me some blankets and pillows.
Shortly, he returned with a handful of soft material. One after the other he lay them on me, slowly they fell on my weak body. "Okay, what's wrong?" I told him to get comfy.

Time skip brought to by a lazy human.

After telling him what's wrong, and slowly moving into his arms, a loud bing that filed the whole house was heard, I practically jumped out of his arms to grab my phone, "Hello?" there was a relieved gasp on the other end, "Are you okay, Y/N?" "Yea, I'm okay now," "Oh good, me and Tyler will be round in a bit, okay" "Okay, see you in a bit."

Another Time skip because...did you not read the last one.

After a short wait they were here and banging at the door so loud I thought everyone in the building could hear it, "Don't worry Y/N I'll get it," Josh told me and a calm voice. I could hear soft mumbles from who I could only presume was Tyler and Jenna talking to Josh, when they came back Jenna particulate ran at me and forced me into her shaking arms, "I was worried when Josh told me what state you were in," not only were her arms shaky but her voice was as well, it showed some sort of sincerity behind her words, "Promise me you won't do anything bad," at this point warm tears were being left on my shoulder, knowing she was crying over me made my eyes do the same, "Promise?" Now her voice was barely audible and she was crying enough to fill the ocean and all I could do was nod, I completely forgot how much she cared for me, how much she worried for me.

A/N so I want to get back into a routine of uploading but I can't,
I either forget or can't be bothered but I'll try 😂 anyway

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