Keep Them Open

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I felt familiar arms snake around my waist and I knew it was Nathan. I leaned back a bit so my head was on Nathan’s shoulder. I saw him stick his tongue out at Max and Max just crossed his arms. I laughed and started walking towards the door. Nathan walked with me and slung an arm around me. I leaned against him and smiled. The guys started walking with us and started to joke around.

            “Why should you only put 239 beans in a bean soup”, Siva asked. I rolled my eyes. I knew this joke. My brother used to say it all the time, “Because one more will make it too farty”! He cracked up while the rest of us just rolled our eyes. He stopped laughing and just looked at us. After about fifteen seconds, we laughed at his face. Siva just rolled his eyes and continued to walk. We ran to catch up with him and his moody ways. I looked up and saw Nathan staring at me. I blushed which just made him laugh, “Why do you have to be so beautiful”. I blushed even more, “It depends, why do you have to be so sweet”? He smiled at me which just made me smile. He leaned down and I stood on my tippy toes and reached his lips with mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. I deepened the kiss and I felt him smile. I heard the guys groan behind us and I pulled away a little bit, but our foreheads and noises still touched. I smiled at him and he just winked at me.

            The guys just teased Nathan behind us but he didn’t seem to notice them. I got lost in his eyes for a second. I heard the guys make that stupid sound that school kids make when they see a couple for the first time. I threw a pencil from my boot that I kept at them which immediately shut them up. Nathan and I just laughed. I pulled away from his grip but he kept an arm slung around my shoulder, “You guys suck you know”, I said. Tom just smiled, “That’s why you love us”. I just rolled my eyes and we all continued to walk toward the door. I suddenly heard the sound of a group of people talking really loud. I suddenly saw a bunch of bright lights and I felt myself being pulled behind a wall. “Damn it, the paparazzi are here”, I heard Jay grumble. How did they even know I was here? I groaned and face palmed, “Why are they always here”, I grumbled out. Nathan’s arms tightened around me and he buried his face into my hair. He mumbled sweet nothings in my head while we figured out a plan to get out of here.

            “What if we stuff Ari into one of our clothes? Then they wouldn’t see her”, Tom exclaimed. I rolled my eyes, “That would never work. You’d look like you gained fifty pounds”, he just shrugged. I groaned when suddenly Jay’s face brightened, “WAIT JAY! Whatever you are thinking about me doing, it’s probably disgusting and hard”, I said before he could say anything. He just rolled his eyes, “Whatever. I was thinking that we could dress you up in some guy clothes and put a hat on you to cover your face. Maybe, we could slip your hair into your jacket so no one can see it. Anyways, we could pass you off as a close family friend. You just have to talk in a British accent and you have to talk in a deep voice”. Max was about to protest but Nathan cut him off, “That’s actually not a bad idea. Ariana has a good British accent just in case she has to talk, which she won’t because I will make sure of it”.

            I nodded and we sprinted back towards the dressing room. We realized that there were only dresses in the room so we searched for a boy’s dressing room. We found one across the hall and we started to running towards it. Max and Siva slipped in to make sure that no one was in there. They poked their heads out and nodded to us. We slipped inside and raided the closet. There were boy clothes everywhere and they were all huge. The boys searched and searched while I and Nathan exchanged worried glances. He grabbed my hand and held it in his. I smiled at him and he kissed my cheek. I smiled at him and the boys came out of the closet. They came out with a graphic t-shirt and a letterman jacket. I slipped them on and also a pair of dark skinny jeans that fit me well that I quickly got from the other dressing room. I looked in the mirror for a second and examined myself. The t-shirt was very baggy and the jacket reached down to mid-thigh. I sighed and opened the curtain.

            I quickly jumped onto the chair and fixed my hair into a high messy bun and left my bangs be and it covered my right eye. Max handed me a snap back and I slipped it on. I nodded at myself. As long as I kept my head down, no one would recognize me. I got up from the chair and looked at Nathan, “Well, what do you think”, I asked nervously. He looked like he was in deep thought for a second, “One last thing”, he said. I cocked my head to the side in question and he smiled. He pulled something out of his pocket and handed them to me. They were a pair of shades. He opened them and slipped them on me. He then took out another pair and slipped them on himself. I looked in the mirror and saw that we had the same pair of glasses. I laughed which made him laugh also, “How many pairs of these do you have”, I asked. He smiled, “Two; one for me and one for a special someone”. I decided to play around a little, “And who might this special someone be”? I looked into the mirror again and saw that you couldn’t even see my eyes. The shades were reflecting what was in front of me, “Oh you know, just some girl that was on Nickelodeon who I also sang with, nothing special”, he said. I punched his arm, “asshole”. He just laughed and wrapped his arms around me, “I’m kidding. She’s beautiful, smart, wonderful, and the most amazing person I know. I wrapped my arms around my neck, “She sounds pretty cool. Maybe I could meet her”, I said smiling. He smiled to, “Maybe”. I just laughed and pulled his lips to mine. I held him close to me and his grip tightened on my waist. I felt him smile through the kiss. The boys groaned again and he pulled back.

            I laughed. “These guys are so annoying”, I heard him whisper. I laughed at him and pulled back but kept his hand entangled with mine. “So we just go out there and make a run for it”, I asked. The nodded and I said ok. I checked the mirror again and since I was wearing shades you really couldn’t tell it was me. We walked toward the exit doors and there were still tons of paparazzi there. They nodded at me and Nathan took my hand. They couldn’t see our hands entangled because they were behind us where no one could see. Tom opened the door and walked out with Max and Siva Jay went behind me. They were surrounding me so not many people could see me. There were immediately flashing lights everywhere and I could barely see. Nathan held my hand tighter and I kept my head down. “Where’s Ariana, where’s Ariana, where’s Ariana? OMG is The Wanted. We just continued walking and trying to push through, “OMG IS THAT A REPLACEMENT? WHO IS THAT?!?” that’s all I heard. I heard Jay answer him, “its Nathan’s child hood best friend”. Then everyone started asking, “WHATS HIS NAME, WHATS HIS NAME”. I panicked a little; I can’t talk to any of them. I felt Nathan answer, “Aaron”. I smiled at that but kept my head down. They started asking to talk to me and they were starting to push me towards Nathan, “Sorry, he’s a little camera shy” Nathan said and pulled me toward the car. He opened the door for me then hopped in himself. The rest of the guys filed in and Jay sat on the floor, “No way am I sitting on Nathan’s lap again”, I laughed at him and Nathan just rolled his eyes.

            Nathan held my hand while Tom tried to back out of the driveway. The pap moved out of the way for the car but didn’t stop the flashing of their cameras. I was in between Nathan and Max with Jay at my feet. They couldn’t see me from outside because of the circle of guys. We were in a blacked out SUV so all they couldn’t see inside the car. I sighed and took off the hat and took out my hair from its high bun. I shook out my curls but kept the hat and shades on just in case. Nathan slung an arm around my shoulder and I leaned my head on his chest.  I felt him laugh and I kissed under his chin. He held my hand and when I looked at Jay he play frowned, “I feel left out”, and he pouted. I laughed at him and ruffled his long curls. He smiled and I smiled at him and pulled my hand away. He pouted at me and I just rolled my eyes at him.

            After a while I felt my eyes getting heavy but tried to keep myself awake. I was just so tired though. I could feel my eyelids about to close again but I snapped them open before I could drift off to sleep. Eyes closing….getting tired…..keep them op……….

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