I Found You

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          By the end of the movie all of the guys were on the couch and watching TV. Max was drinking some beer and texting Nina, Siva was playing Candy Crush and glancing at the TV every once and a while, Tom was asleep below me, Jay was looking at pictures he and Lexus took together, and I was half asleep on Nathan while he played with my hair. “Ok, I’m going to go get Nina, Nareesha, and Kelsey”. There was a chorus of “I’ll come with you”. And soon it was just me, Nathan and Jay. “So Jay, have you told Lizzy who you are yet”? He looked at me guiltily, “It never really came up”. I couldn’t help but pull out of Nathan’s arms and I heard his protests, “It never came up?! Girl, I thought you told her your third date”. 

“I don’t know what to do. She might hate me if she knows that I kept a secret”. I looked at him pointedly, “Yeah she will. She doesn’t take secrets well”. He put his face in his hands and I realized how nervous and worried he was. “When do you plan on telling her?” And then I farted so hard that you could almost see the nasty stench. He looked up, frowning “The next time I see her, I guess”. I smiled at him sincerely, “You should”. Jay looked at me worriedly, “Do you know how she takes secrets”? I groaned, “Oh gosh, she doesn’t take secrets well. One time, I told her that her boyfriend kissed me and then I didn’t tell her for like a couple weeks. And then, when I told her, she slapped me”. I felt Nathan’s arms around my waist tightened and I laid my head on his chest. His face became scared and worried, “How are you two still friends?” I couldn’t help but laugh, “Funny story actually. We were our only friends back then, so she didn’t have anyone to cry to so she came to my house in the middle of the night and cried with me”. Jay then had a really guilty look on her face.

“You really like her, don’t you”, I wondered out loud. He looked at me, “Yes, I do”, he said smiling. “Well, she seems to really like you too; she’ll understand”. He looked at me with hope in his eyes, “Really?” I laughed and nodded. “I’ll tell her tonight. I’ll ask her on a date now!” he said about to run for the stairs to his room, “Wait where are you going to take her”, I asked. He shrugged, “I’ll figure it out when I get there”. I laughed at him as he ran to his room. My phone started to ring but it was on the table close to Nathan. I was too lazy to reach over it because I was so comfortable with Nathan, “Can you get that?”

He laughed and kissed the top of my head and reached over to get it. “Ariana’s phone”, he said. I snuggled myself more into Nathan’s chest. I listened to Nathan talk to him and waited for him to continue, “Oh hey Scooter”. Oh him. “Yeah she’s right here”. After a couple moments, “Ok”. He passed me the phone and I put it to my ear, “Hello?” “Hey Ariana; it’s Scooter”. I said, “Hi; what’s up”? “The sky”, he said laughing. I rolled my eyes. “Anyways I booked you a gig in New York!” I grinned, “Awesome, when”, I asked. “In three days”. “Ok, when am I leaving”? I asked. I looked at Nathan and saw he was pouting. “In two days”. I sighed. “Can Nathan come?” I asked hopefully. I heard Scooter sigh, “Sorry no; he has a couple gigs here in California. You know I wish I could though, but I booked these a long time ago”. I said, “I know. Thanks though”. He sighed then laughed, “Cheer up, kiddo. You’ll see him in like a week”. I whined, “But that’s too long”. That made Scooter laugh, “Well, I got to run but I’ll see you in a couple days. Bye Ariana” and he hung up. 

“Well. I’m leaving in two days for a couple gigs in New York”, I said looking at Nathan. He was pouting, “Do you have to”? I laughed, “Yes, I do”. He pouted again, “Aww is Nathy sad”? He nodded playfully. “Well, don’t be sad. I’ll be back in like a week or so”. He grinned, but then frowned again, “You’re still leaving”. I pecked him on the lips, “I’ll be back before you know it”. I laid my head back on his chest and turned on the TV. After like thirty minutes, there was nothing to do, “I’m bored”.  

Show Me Love (Nathan Sykes and Ariana Grande)Where stories live. Discover now