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          “No the gate is number 23, dim wit”, Tom spit at Max. “No its 25 you ass”, Max retorted. They continued to bicker with each other. I lagged behind them. Their voices echoed loudly, annoying me. “Would you guys SHUT UP”, I said, angrily.

          They both looked at me with shock, “What pissed in your cereal”, Max grumbled. “Don’t mind him. He and Ariana got in a fight”, Jay explained to him. I shot Jay a glare, punching him hard in the arm. Tom glanced at me worriedly. “WHAT”, I hissed at him. He quickly looked away and continued walking. They bickered more quietly for my sake.

          “SEE I TOLD YOU THE GATE WAS 23”, Tom shouted, earning stares from everyone around him. He waved them off. I looked towards the gate number and saw that number 23 did have ‘EUROPE’ plastered on the wall. I sighed and followed the others. “I’m really sorry about Ariana”, a voice said. I turned and saw Jay walking beside me, his head down.

          “I just think I really screwed up this time, mate”, I said to him, running a hand through my hair. “Don’t think like that. She’ll come back”, he said. I shrugged and tried to catch up with the boys. I got to the gate and the boys sat down. I leaned on the wall next to them and took out my phone. I unlocked it; 11:50.

          We were leaving in ten minutes. I looked below the clock on my phone. A smiling Ari stared back at me, well at the camera. My heart ached and I lightly touched the picture. I shouldn’t have said what I said. I wasn’t angry at her. I was angry at myself, for not being able to do anything to keep us together. If I could just turn back time and repeat everything, I would. The necklace felt heavy again in my back pocket. I never got to give it to her. I turned off my phone from keeping myself from doing anything stupid.

          “Now boarding flight to Europe”, a voice said from the speaker. The boys stood up and started to file into the gate. I sighed and walked behind them. I wouldn’t see Ariana ever again. She’ll forget about me and move on with her life. Find someone else and have a family. I gulped and clenched my fists to stop myself from crying out.

          I started to step on the platform. “Nathan”, I heard that sweet voice shout out. I could almost hear my heart crack. I shut my eyes. She wasn’t here. I know she wasn’t. My mind was playing tricks on me. I tried to walk again but I heard the voice again, “Nathan”, her voice yelled. I wanted to turn around, see if she was really there. But I restrained myself. I would just get more heartbroken. She’d never run all the way over here; not after what I said to her. “Nathan”, her voice yelled once more. I couldn’t take it anymore. With my eyes closed, I whipped around.

          I didn’t see anything at first. Only the swarm of people trying to get to their gate. But then I saw a small head of brown curls, pushing through the people. Ariana. I couldn’t help but smile. “Nathan”, she yelled louder. Nobody stared at her, as if this was normal. “Ariana”, I whispered. Before I knew it, I could hear the fast steps of my sneakers, running to her. She pushed past more people, nearly tripping over everyone. Finally, I felt her small figure fall into my chest. I engulfed her in my arms. I was so happy; I even picked her up and spun her around. She wrapped her legs around my torso.

          I closed my eyes. I still couldn’t believe she was real. “Ariana”, I whispered, holding her close. “Nathan”, she whispered back. She looked down, meeting my eyes. She pulled me to her and met my lips with mine. I pulled back, out of breath. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said those things to you. I was just mad at myself and I”, she cut me off by putting her lips to mine. “Shh”, she whispered against my lips.

          “I should’ve fought for us. I should’ve done something”, I tried again. She put her palm on my face. My voice died down. “I’m sorry too. I should’ve done better. I should’ve tried to understand. But baby, there’s nothing you could’ve done”, she said, her brown eyes warm. “But-“, I started but she interrupted me. “Nathan”, she said. “I don’t want to break up”, I said, almost pleadingly. She nodded, “I know. I don’t want us to break up either”.

          I slowly put her on the ground so she could stand. “I don’t want to leave you either”, I said to her. “I don’t want you to leave”, she mumbled. I pressed my lips to hers softly. I wish this didn’t have to happen. But she was right; there was nothing I could do. She started to pull back.

          “We can make this work”, I said. She smiled and slid her hand down to graze my neck, “We can talk every day. We can text, call each other, skype”, she ran down the list. I grinned, “I forgot to give you something last night”. She shook her head, “You didn’t have to get me something”, she started. “C’mon Ari”, I chuckled. She rolled her eyes playfully. I took out the necklace that I bought a couple days ago.

          I handed the box to her and clapped my neck. She smiled and started to open the box. Her eyes sparkled and her smile became brighter. She pulled the small necklace out and handed it to me, a cue to put it on her. She turned around and with shaking hands, I pushed her hair to the side. I clipped the necklace together. She pushed her hair back to its normal place and turned to meet my eyes.

          “I love you to infinity and beyond”, she read the necklace. I had that engraved into the necklace. “I can’t believe you still remember our first date”, she giggled. We had watched Toy Story together. I smiled. She pulled me close and touched our lips together. I could feel the eyes of the boys on my back but I didn’t care.

          “Are you coming or not”, the pilot barked. Ariana slowly pulled back. “That’s my cue”, trying to lighten the mood. She smiled sadly. “Goodbye Ariana”, I said, looking into her big brown eyes. She looked beautiful. This was one of our last moments together for a while. “Don’t look so sad, Nathan. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean ‘I miss you’ until we meet again”.

          “I can’t say goodbye Ariana”, I whimpered. “Then don’t say goodbye. Just tell me a lie”, she answered. “I’ll see you tomorrow Ariana”, I said after a moment. She closed her eyes and I slowly saw a tear start to slide down her cheek. “I’ll see you soon, Nathan”. I pulled her into my arms. After a couple minutes, I knew I needed to go. “I have to go Ari”, I said. She nodded. “I love you Nathan”, she whimpered. “I love you too Ariana”.

          “Call me. When you need me”, she said. I nodded and started to walk toward the gate. The boys were already on the plane. I had to restrain myself from running back to her. I could feel that every step away from, a piece of my heart was shattering and falling to the floor. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2014 ⏰

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