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       I felt my eyes start to open slowly. I rise up slowly and press the heel of my hand to my forehead. I remember closing my eyes while Nathan carrying me, but I don’t remember coming into my house. I groan and climb out of my bed. On my way out of my room, I catch the reflection of myself in the mirror and that immediately stops me. My hair is a mess of curls from last night. I try to run a brush through my hair but the bush just gets tangled into my hair. I groan and rip it out. I tie my hair up into a messy bun and decide to do my hair later.

          I’m still in my dress from last night. I stumble over to my closet and pull out a Victoria’s Secret Pink hoodie and sweat pants. I slip on the clothes and some Ugg boots and walk out of my room. I pull out some chips and throw it onto the couch. I turn on the TV and start to nibble on the chips.

          Ding. It’s been about an hour and I was in the middle of a show. I groan and get up from the couch. The doorbell had rung and I swing open the door. “Hey beautiful”, a familiar voice says. I can’t help but grin at Nathan and wrap my arms around his neck. “Hey”, I whisper into his neck.

          I pull out of his arms and lead him into the house. “Why didn’t you wake me up last night”, I ask jumping onto the couch. “Because I didn’t want to wake up the Sleeping Beauty”, he answered. I smiled and pecked him on the lips. When I pulled back there was a look of nostalgia in his eyes; weird. “Are you ok”, I asked, worried. His eyes brightened, “Yeah, why”, he asked. I shrugged, “Nevermind”, it was probably just my imagination.

          “Whatcha doing here so early”, I asked, fiddling with a stray thread on Nathan’s shirt. Nathan play gasped, “I can’t see the girl I love”, he played. I rolled my eyes, “No, knowing you, you’d be asleep right now”, I heard him chuckle and I raised my eyes to meet his. I felt myself start to get lost in his bright green eyes. I could feel minutes pass, none of us speaking. I raised my hand and rested it on his cheek. He leaned into my hand and closed his eyes.

          After a couple moments he spoke, “I love you”. I could feel myself smile, “I love you more”. His eyes lit up, “I love you more”, he teased. “I love you more”, I argued, crossing my arms. He smirked, “No I love you more”.

          “I love you most”, I retorted. He crossed his arms, copying me, “I love you squared”.

          “I love you infinity”

          "I'm so lucky to be loved by you and there are no words to express how much I love you. You win THIS battle. Next ones mine”, he said smiling. I grinned and kissed him softly on the lips.

          We had spent about an hour together doing the most random things. We were watching some movie on TV. I felt something shaking below me. I looked down and saw that Nathan’s leg was shaking against mine. I looked at him and met his eye. He had a nervous expression in his eye. “Nathan what’s wrong”, I asked.

          He looked away, “Nothing”, his voice cracked. I pulled out of his hold on me. He immediately turned his head to look at me. There was hurt in his eyes. “C’mon, you’ve been acting weird all day”, I said, “Why can’t you just tell me?” He clapped the back of his neck, “Ariana”, he said softly. The room was silent. I waited. “The phone call that I got yesterday, the one during our date”, he started. I nodded for him to go on.

          “Scooter said that the choreographers for the tour sent an email a couple weeks ago saying that they couldn’t come over here to help us with the dance. And Scooter never got it”, he said. “Ok”, I asked, urging him to continue. He sighed, “Well, they offered for us to go over there and meet them”.

          “Where are they then? It can’t be that far”, I asked. He sighed, “Europe”. My eyes widened, but I kept my mouth shut. “So you’ll go to Europe in a couple weeks, we still have time”, I tried. He shook his head, “They need us to meet them earlier, while they are still in Europe”.

          “How early is early”, I whispered.

          “Forty five minutes”.

          I looked away from him. He was supposed to be on a plane to Europe in forty five minutes. “W-why didn’t you t-tell me”, I whimpered. He didn’t answer. “Why didn’t you tell me”, I asked again, raising my voice. “I didn’t want to believe it, Ariana”. I don’t know what happened but anger flooded through my veins. “Well, believe it Nathan because you are supposed to be on a plane in forty five minutes and you didn’t even bother to tell me that I will probably not see you again for a year or so”

          “Do you know how hard this is for me, having to watch you go”, I asked through gritted teeth. His eyes sparked with frustration and anger and he jumped up, “DON’T YOU THINK THIS IS HARD FOR ME TOO”?


          “It’s nothing different for me. You could do the exact same thing while I’m gone”, he hissed. “Nathan, you’re going to Europe in forty five minutes. You’re not coming back to California for a year”, I said letting it sink in. It was silent again. “I just wish time would just slow down for one second”, he said. “Time isn’t going to slow down Nathan. It’s not just going to slow down for you! You had so many hours to tell me that you were leaving! We could’ve done something! We could’ve made time for us”, I yelled again.

          “Ariana would you stop blaming me?! This wasn’t my decision. God, sometimes you can be so selfish! The world doesn’t revolve around you Ariana”, he hissed at me. I jumped at his words, “You’re right because apparently it revolves around you”, I screeched. “GOD DAMN IT ARIANA”, he yelled.

          I cringed at what he said. He barely cursed around me. “YOU KNOW WHAT? JUST GET ON YOUR STUPID PLANE TO EUROPE. I DON’T CARE. GET YOURSELF LAID AND PARTY AND DRINK! I DON’T CARE”. He grunted and started storming towards the door. “JUST FORGET ALL ABOUT ME; ABOUT US”,I screamed right as he shut the door. 

Show Me Love (Nathan Sykes and Ariana Grande)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu