Hey Friendsies

791 10 5

Hey friendsies,

         So, most of you have read that Nathan and Ariana's anniversary is coming up in the story. I have total writer's block on what their date should be :( So I need your guy's help 

          I want it to be super adorable but like kind of laid back. So like not fancy smancy dinner but not like movie night, you know?

       So I'm looking for the cutest possible date EVER (lol). Tumblr isn't helping me :( So just comment down below your idea for their date and maybe, just maybe...........It's is your idea hmmm?

        BTW if I use your idea I'll give you a dedication and follow you! Also, I just wanted to say thank you for 230 votes! That's amazing and thank you for all of you who've read my story! Thank you for all the nice comments you always say! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! Lol 



Show Me Love (Nathan Sykes and Ariana Grande)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora