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       “Lizzy what do I wear”, I screeched, flipping through my piles of clothes. “OMG, it’s like you have no clothes”, she said, digging through a different pile of clothes. My whole room was covered in clothes. We had taken out every single piece of clothing from my closet and from her closet and there was still nothing. Me and Nathan’s anniversary is today and I have nothing to wear. And I’m meeting him in a couple of hours.

I took out a long blue dress from a ball that I went to a couple years ago. “Too much”, I asked Liz, holding it up to my body. She looked up from the clothes and her eyes bulged, “Way, way, way too much”, she shook her head. I threw the dress back to a pile.

          “Lizzy, what if he breaks up with me because I look ugly in a dress”, I wondered aloud, slamming myself onto the bed. Her head snapped up at that and she had determination in her eyes. “Ariana Grande, don’t you dare say that. If he is a true man, he will think you look beautiful in anything”, she said, pushing her hair away from her face. “I love you, you know”, I said, hugging her. She laughed, “I know”.

          She pulled me to my feet and went back to digging for a cute dress. I sighed and searched through my own lump of clothes. After about ten minutes of searching, I got tired and was ready to tell Liz that I quit. “Lizzy”, I said, raking my hand through my hair. She didn’t answer, “Liz”, I said again, a little bit louder. The room was silent and I looked up. The room was empty.

          I got up, worried. “Elizabeth”, I called out, searching for a head of blond hair. “Elizabeth, this isn’t funny”, I said a little louder. The room was still silent. A rustling sound caught my attention from behind me. I whipped around, but there was still nothing. A pile of clothes moved and I gasped. Was she eaten or something? Was she pulled into a dark oblivion of clothes?

          “Elizabeth”, I questioned. I walked quietly to my bed and pulled the baseball bat from under my bed out. I walked back to the rustling clothes. I pulled the bat behind my head, ready to strike. I was about to swing the bat when suddenly a familiar blonde popped out from the clothes. Liz was panting hard from the lack of oxygen down there and her hair was frizzy. “I found the- WHY ARE YOU HOLDING A BAT”, she scream/laughed. I put down the bat, “I thought you were sucked in a black hole or something down there”.

          She laughed, “Oh Ariana, your imagination amuses me”, and her eyes brightened, “Anyways, I found the perfect outfit”. She pulled something out from the pile and handed it to me. It was a small white scallop dress. I beamed at it, “Oh my gosh, it’s perfect”, I squealed. She grinned, “I know! Didn’t I get this for you during like sophomore year or something for prom”? I nodded. “Well girl, go put it on”.

          I walked to the bathroom and took off Nathan’s old hoodie that he gave to me. I slipped on the dress and walked out without looking at myself. Liz covered her mouth at the sight of me. “Girl, you look gorgeous”. I beamed, “Do you think he’ll like it”? She rolled her eyes, “Any guy who’s not blind would fall at your feet”. I laughed. “Oh, I was searching around and I found the perfect piece for that”. She pulled something from the bed and handed it to me. It was a black cardigan. I grinned and slipped it on. She pushed me towards a mirror, “This looks amazballs!", she grinned, looking proudly at her work. I stared at the mirror and smiled to myself and let myself look. 

(MY COMPUTER WAS BEING SUPER ANNOYING SO THE LINK TO HER OUTFIT IS HEREhttp://xxxilovemusicxxxlove1d.tumblr.com/post/29133136459/hollister-co-dress-liked-on-polyvore-see-more)

          “Makeup time”, she squealed and brought me to my vanity. She heated up the curling iron and started to foundation on me. “How’s Frankie”, she asked, applying concealer. I shrugged, “He’s good. I talked to him a week ago”. He left for a Broadway show in New York a couple weeks ago. “He says the food over there is great”, I said, wrapping my hair around the curling iron. She laughed, “He mocks us”.

          We were silent in concentration for a couple minutes. “What time is Nathan coming to pick you up again”, she asked, applying dark eye shadow. “Seven thirty I think”, I said. I loosened the curls in my hair. “Well, then we better hurry up”, she said and quickly applied eyeliner and mascara. I reached for the lipstick but she swatted my hand away. “Lipstick always ends up getting on a guy when you kiss them and they hate that”, she said and pulled out a pink lips stain from her bag, “This is better”, she said and applied it.

          I looked at the clock; 7:15. I gasped and shot up. “Shoes, what shoes do I wear”, I said frantically running around my room. I reached for my black converse, but Liz was already shoving heels in my face. “NO HEELS”, I screeched. “Well no sneakers either”, she answered, handing me the heels. “Why can’t I wear sneakers”, I asked, crossing my arms. “Because, you’re going to give him back problems because he always has to bend down just to kiss you”, she retorted.

          “I’m going to fall on my face if I wear heels though”, I said, reaching for my converse again.





           I groaned in frustration when suddenly the doorbell rang. I screamed and Liz handed me a pair of black studded vans. I smiled because I had won.She ran frantically toward my jewelry box. She ran back to me and handed me a small chain bracelet and the infinity ring that Nathan gave me for our two month anniversary. 

          She then handed me my phone and pushed me down the stairs and to the front door. “Breath check”, she said and I breathed in front of her face. “Check, arm pit check”, she said and I raised my arms and she sniffed. “Check, nose”, she insisted. I rolled my eyes and tilted my head up. She looked around, “You’re good”. She ran behind the couch and hid. I swung open the door.

Show Me Love (Nathan Sykes and Ariana Grande)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora